The place in which Kamaraj went landed at Sharmythiyova Airport at Moscow. Kamaraj stepped at the land of Russia with smile. He answered in short to the welcome address of Russian Premier; Russians were surprised to see Kamaraj without any woolen clothes on him against the winter.
In Russia:-
He first visited the Russian Premier at his residence in a formal way. He had long discussion with Mayor of Moscow city which had a population of 65 lackhs.
23rd July was a busy day to Kamaraj. He visited the Kremlin Palace constructed during the period of King Jaar.
Lenin's library. He wrote in the visitor's book as under:-
"I am happy to see the place where Lenin lived. I am delished to see the place where that leader lived a life with simplicity." He laid a wreath at the place where Lenin's body was preserved with oils.
He felt very much with R.Venkatraman who stood near to him for not having preserved the body of Gandhiji like that of Lenin.
Meeting With Kosign:-
He next met the P.M. Kosign. Kosign's first question was whether he was not feeling the winter. Kamaraj's reply was , he was there as he was in Delhi. Then those two leaders discussed about the international problems for about 11/2 hours.
Later he visited the " Inton Thushanpe" Park .
On 25th July he met Mr.Rasalove , the secretary of Tajic Communist Party. He also met the workers of that party office.
Kamaraj was surprised to learn that members of the Communist party should donate a part of their income to the party and accordingly Mr.Rasalove too gave it to the party.
26th July he went to Valgagrade City where Russians fought against Hitler. He was invited by the Mayor of the city and was taken to a park and a war memorial place.
He said to the Mayor that when he saw the city he could understood that the people of that city were not only a brave warriors but also a hard workers.
Then he visited the historical famous Lenigrade. He took part in the feast given by the Mayor of that city. In his speech at the feast he praised the Russian leader Lenin and the Russian revolution. Also he sang a song in Tamil written by Tamil poet Bharathi. About the King Jaar. He also said that India would co-operate with Russia to save the world from the evil of war.
Again he left for Moscow. On 30th July he met Mr.Kapinove, the secretary of Soviet Communist Party at Moscow. He learned from him the Party's principles and activities and its power.
The last person he met at Russia was Mr.Brishnove, the Chief Secretary of the Communist party, which was the very very important post in Russia.
Brishnove was on leave then. He was about to return to Moscow only on 1st of August but returned on 29th July itself.
Brishnove was to met Mr.Uthand, the U.N.O. Secretary from 11.00 - 12.00 noon and to met Kamaraj after 12noon.
He went that office which was protected by armed forces at 12.noon.
Kamaraj was given a royal salute and taken to the room of Brishnove.
He received Kamaraj with smile and talked to him. Since his Russian tour was almost over, the Supreme Soviet Leader Sprithinove , who was with Kamaraj all along the tour gave an official dinner to Kamaraj.
On Sunday the 31st July he was to leave from Russia. In the morning, before his departure ,he delivered a speech in the radio of Moscow praising the hospitality of the Russians and the good relationship they had with Indians.
At 2.pm he completed his 10 days Russian tour and left for East Germany. Mr.Sprithinove gave him a send off at the airport.
Kamaraj landed at”Shon Belt” airport at Berlin the Capital city of East Germany on 31st July.
Dr.Erry Sams , the national leader of East Germany , Mr.Stiby , the Deputy Minister for External affairs , The Trade Union Representative of East Germany for India Mr.Sherbert Fisher , invited Kamaraj at the air port. There was a heavy down pour when he landed. The reception programs went on ignoring the rain.
Dr.Herbert Fisher was with Kamaraj throughout the tour.
On 1st August Kamaraj met Albert Morttan , Herman Medorn , the key personnel of the United Socialist Front at their office.
He also met a student at East Germany who was studying Tamil. He thanked the leaders and the public of East Germany and left for Czechoslovakia.

On 2nd of August when he landed at Praha City he was received by the Socialist Party Leader, Law and Legal Department Minister Mr.Alias Newman and other government officials and the Indian Ambassador Mr.Gokak.
He met Mr.Cadar , the secretary of Communist Party Central Committee of that country , Minister for External affairs , Interim P.M . And the Vice-President of the parliament.
He learned about the standard of living of the people of that country through so many questions with them.
On 5th August Indian Ambassador gave a feast to the leader. Students who studied Tamil there, Ministers came to the dinner. Then he left for Hungary.
In Hungary:-
He landed at Budapest the Capital of Hungary on 4th August. He agreed for a tour of 3 days due to continued compulsions of those people.
On the fist day he visited the Budapest city and its surrounding places. Next day morning he met the Hungarian P.M. at the parliament palace. Mrs.Banoj Bahova , the assistant general secretary of people's front joined in the meeting.
Official dinner was given after the meeting. Kamaraj next went to Bulgaria.
In Bulgeria:-
At 2pm on August 7th he landed at Sophiya the Capital of Bulgeria. All the Bulgarian leaders received Kamaraj and took him to the guest house.
He paid homage with wreath to the body of George Tito, Father of Bulgaria which was preserved with oils.
Next day he met Mr.Stryhop , the leader of the ruling party " Country Front of Father."
A dinner was given to him on that night and he left for Yugoslavia.

When Kamaraj landed at Belgrade the capital of Yugoslavia on 8th August he was given a grand reception by the leader of Socialist Alliance and the President of Macedonia. Mr.Golia Sebaski and his assistants.
He met Golia Sebaski and the planning commission members at the head office of the Yugoslavia central committee.Indian Ambassador gave a feast to Kamaraj.
He left in a special flight on August 10th to met Marshal Tito who lived in an island called Bryony . He rested for a while in Neptune hotel at Bryony sea shore, later left to meet Marshal Tito. No news reporters were allowed. Only Kamaraj , R.Venkataraman and the Indian Ambassador went to Tito's Bungalow. With Marshal Tito, Golia Sebaski and a Deputy Minister were there.
Meeting With Tito:-
On seeing Kamaraj Tito eagerly gave his hands to him. Tito remembered his at Avadi Conference and the crowd and Traffic blocks.
Later they discussed the world problem. After one hour's discussion Tito said that he would meet him at Delhi at the meeting of the Non-Alliance Countries.
Kamaraj completed his 20 days tour on 12th August. Many leaders came to the airport and gave him the send off.
Kamaraj said that tour gave him a chance of knowing many important matters and was very useful.
He left in a Yugoslavian plane which flew via Rome enroute to Delhi.
Indian flight took off since since the Yugoslavian flight was late. This caused Kamaraj to stay at Rome for 2 days. Because of this delay he could reach India only on 15th August at the 21st Independence Day instead of 13th as scheduled before.
Madras Tremored:-
Though the arrival of the flight was only at 1.30pm people of Madras crowded the air port right from the morning.
Crowds were throughout the way to the air port. Once he landed from the flight, a plane showered the flowers on him from the sky. People were running to garland him.
He was taken in procession in an open car. 120 soldiers of Cavalry marched before the car. His car was followed by number of cars and thousands of cycles. Madras had never seen such a procession so far.
Mr.K.R.Nayar who worked in PTI once asked Lal Bhagadhur Sastri about Indo-Ceylon Agreement. He questioned whether the next government would honor the agreement entered between Indian and Ceylon by Sastri and Sri Mao Bandranayake.
Sastri hesitated to answer. But Kamaraj immediately answered to the reporter which gave him a surprise. Because it was in clear English, which is given below:
“Don’t go and print any such suggestions in the paper. This is an agreement signed by two Democratic governments, just as any Democratic government India would honor this agreement. We expect any successor government in Ceylon to honor this agreement."
Sastri said with joy, “I agree with Kamaraj ". It was a proof of his political knowledge about the international affairs.
There was a Congress conference in February 1966. His foresight was very clean.
He pointed out his talk at the conference of Bhuvaneshwar about to start new industries to produce essential commodities to the poor to control price hike.
In his presidential speech he also said that it would be essential to take steps by the central and state government to stabilize the economic conditions and to minimize the expenditure. He also requested for the co-operation of the public.

On 7th November 1966 a procession came towards Kamaraj's house at Delhi. They are the opposers of Cow slaughting.
Some people in the procession engaged in violence. Kamaraj was in the house then. This gang robed the house of Central minister Raguramaiah. They set fire to the house of Kamaraj. This had happened within 15 minutes.
First the gang damaged the compound gate and entered. A lone constable who was there could not stop the gang. They pelted stones on the windows since the door was locked. They set fire to the rooms through the windows. Kamaraj was in center of the hall without any fear. His bed room was damaged due to fire. By god's grace he escaped. On hearing this news M.P.s came running to Kamaraj and took him with them to their place. He stayed there for few days and then came back to his house.
The incident of Nov. 7th was seriously discussed at the working committee meeting. They blamed Nanda the Home Minister. Following this Nanda resigned. P.M. Indira Gandhi accepted his resignation immediately.
Defence minister Chavan took the portfolio of Nanda. Indira Gandhi gave complete freedom to Kamaraj to shuffle the ministry.
Kamaraj felt that the number of ministers to be reduced as the general election was fast approaching.
Including the incident of Nov.7th all the events of 1966 made the future as a question mark. Kamaraj felt very much for this. He thought that the Congress should take immediate decisions to some serious problems. He felt that food condition,
Internal security and peace should immediately be taken care. In December he informed this to his colleagues.
During this time Kamaraj observed the in disciple in the party. The clashes between the various state Chief Ministers worried him. 12 Ministers resigned at Orissa having difference of opinions with the C.M. Kamaraj returned their resignation an saved the discipline of the party. Kamaraj met the challenge when Rival Congress started in West Bengal, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh. He thought that the public would not believe the promise of the opposite parties though there were shortages in food and other commodities.
He involved himself in election propaganda and toured the entire nation in 1967 election. A gang of news reporters went along with him. He explained the economic condition of the country in every state. Seeing his common sense the news papers praised him in their editorials. Ashok Mehta joined in Congress only when Kamaraj was the AICC president. Kamaraj was the only reason for his joining in Congress.
He contested at Virudhunagar constituency for assembly in 1967 general election. He toured the other constituencies in Tamilnadu without working in his constituency.
He met with an accident when he was going towards Tirunelveli . News came as he got serious injuries. Immediately M.S.P.Raja , Iya Sami Nadan and other went in a car to Tirunelveli. Kamaraj was at the Travelers Bungalow of Palayamkottai. He had severe injuries on his leg and lips. His face was swelled. When these people saw him with tears on their eyes he enquired them about election work.
He explained them the way they have to work. Also he said that he would come a week before the election and does the work in person. But he could not come. From Tirunelveli he went straight away to Madras.
Shortage in Rice in Madras State caused defeat to Congress. The elephant slipped. Kamaraj lost by a difference of 500 votes. This election result shook India.The entire nation shocked to see his first and last defeat.
But Kamaraj never shattered. Not only in Madras state Congress was defeated but in many parts of India. Congress could get only the majority to form the government.
Kamaraj who used to say to worship the work only and not the money , took his defeat lightly and left to Delhi.
He could not walk. He had walking stick in his hands. He walked slowly with his stick at Delhi air port. His face did not indicate the sign of defeat.
He said that he accepts the defeat of Congress and respects the judgment given by the public and he would work hard to win the confidence of the public.
He made Indira Gandhi as P.M. for the second time. He seated Morarji Desai as Deputy P.M.
C.N.Annadurai , who formed the D.M.K ministry said that the leader like Kamaraj should not get defeated. He went with his colleagues to the residence of Kamaraj for his blessings. Kamaraj had the capacity to attract even the opposite party members.
He ordered to his party people not to open their mouth for a period of 6 months about DMK government as the public gave them a chance to rule.
News papers wrote that his magnanimity was an example to the affection towards democracy.
Papers wrote that he fixed a golden letter in the history of the world.
Independence Day was celebrated in 15th August 1967. I was first Independence Day after freedom that Congress celebrated & by sitting in opposition at the assembly.
Election of Nijalingappa :-
Kamaraj was AICC president twice from 1964 to 1967 continuously. During this 4 years period he did his service strongly. He never entangled himself in the policy matters. He exposed the difference of opinion in the policy matters if any , only at the party meetings. Even in that he never entered in lame arguments.
He acted according to the views raised in the meeting. He never created any problems. His position was simple. He approached the problems only with a view whether the public could get any benefit out of it. His presidential speeches and achievements were the evident.
He did not like to be AICC president for the third time. For the post of president there would be a severe contest between S.K.Pattil and Alulya Gosh.
Kamaraj informed that whoever might be elected by they should be elected unanimously. That only would safeguard the interest of the party.
Pattil , Mohan Dharia , Hanumanthaiah had failed their nomination for the post of AICC president.
P.M.Indira Gandhi and Kamaraj meet and discussed about the election for President . They talked about Sukadia, Nanda, Sanjeevaiah, U.M.Thevar for the election of AICC president. At last Kamaraj sent a message to Mysore. Nijalingappa went to Delhi and met Kamaraj. It was nigh hours.
Kamaraj said that Nijalingappa would be the next AICC president and asked him to meet him on the next morning.
Finally Nijalingappa took charge as AICC president.
The interim poll came at Nagarkoil in January 1969 due to the death of Marshal Nesamani. To find out the situations of the constituency Nedumaran and Sironmani toured the entire constituency. Kamaraj carefully heard what those two lads told him. They wanted Kamaraj should definitely contest there. Others also insisted Kamaraj . Kamaraj accepted the request of the younger generation. In the interest of the party he was ready to enter into an experiment. He addressed in a general meeting at KARUNGAL on 30th November 1968. At that time he conveyed his acceptance to contest for M.P.s election.
Interim poll was conducted on 8th January 1969. People of CapeCamrion worked for his victory. The entire Tamilnadu was there. Kamaraj pinned the badge on his body. Ladies received Kamaraj with enthusiasm. Kamaraj won in the election with a margin of 1, 28,201 votes.
Mother's ill-health:-
Kamaraj received a message about the bad health condition of his mother. He went by flight to Madurai and by car to Virudhunagar. He was informed that his mother was in death bed. He never got tensioned; he was talking to Nedumaran as usual.
He sat near his mother who was in a swooned condition. His arrival was informed to her by his sister. She opened her eyes and saw Kamaraj with tearful eyes. He enquired about her diet and medicines with his sisters. His mother wanted to tell something , but could not . Kamaraj told her that he would be leaving. His mother wanted him to have food and go. He said that he would have it at Madurai. His mother wept again. Kamaraj saw this and asked his sisters to set the meal. His mother wanted him to sit and eat at the kitchen. As he did not want to discard the request of his mother who was in the death bed went to kitchen and took the meal. He back a good-bye to his mother and left. On the way Nedumaran asked Kamaraj since how long after he took meat at his house. His reply was after 25 to 30 years.
In The Prison:-
Cases were filed on Congress volunteers in 1969. His victory was celebrated at Nagarkoil. There was procession. Friends of Madurai who participated in the procession were assaulted. One Mr.Pandurangam was stabbed. Nedumaran opposed this. Immediately police filed a case against him. Nedumaran met Kamaraj at Madurai air port and explained him the situation. He listened carefully and advised to oppose the un justice boldly.
Bad time for Congress:-
There was problem for Congress in August 1969. Sanjeeva Reddy was the speaker. It was decided to nominate him for the election of president. Indira Gandhi made him to resign. She nominated him for the election and signed in the nomination form. But she herself supported V.V.Giri. Finally V.V.Giri became the president. Sanjeeva Reddy was defeated. Kamaraj and other senior leaders felt very much. For Kamaraj discipline was his breath. Congress working committee wanted to take action on those who did not obey to the party's discipline. When there was 2 months to the 84th Anniversary for AICC in 1969 Congress splited into two.
Though the Congress splitted into two Congress party men in Tamilnadu were on the side of Kamaraj.
During freedom fight money was necessary to take part once in the strike. Kamaraj did not have the money.He decided to stage a Drama and collect money. He arranged for the Drama of Viswananthadas .
144 was imposed by the police and ordered not to stage the drama. In the drama a song of Viswanathadas used to humiliate the public. The ban order was imposed particularly for this song. Immediately Kamaraj sent Thirumangalam Puli Iyer to Sivakasi Sub-Collector for getting permission to stage the drama with an assurance of not signing that particular song in the drama,. According Puli Iyer got the permission.
Drama was staged at Rajapalayam. The situation became riots. Kamaraj sent his men wherever the riot took place and embbelted them.
In 1979 when Kamaraj expressed the grievances the ruling party challenged them. He met the challenges. He took action according to the pulse of the party men.
He questioned the ruling party about their promise of giving 3 measures of Rice per Rupee and whether they could give it. He also blamed that they did not know what to do and did not know to tell what they could do. They had given cheap promises and the ministers said that they would work without salary, reduce the tax and increase the facilities. But what happened increased tax.
In 1971 Congress met another great defeat. When he was asked about the election fund he said that there was money for the election work and they should have worked still harder.
There was no person got victories like him, he never jumped high when he won and never lost himself when he was defeated.
For the benefit of the poor he again started his tour throughout Tamilnadu.
It is a great writings,Thank you. Some spelling mistakes must be corrected.
great n inspiring to see our anna ... and info about him
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