He was arrested because of an editorial published in “Nava Sakthi “.
Kamaraj sent Kakkan , the TNCC leader to know the situation. Secretary of TNCC P.Ramachandran went to the jail and saw him. Kamaraj sent Kakkan on the first day and Ramachandran on the next day.
Kamaraj went twice to the house of lawyer Gopalsamy for his volunteer who was in the jail.
In 1972 all the farmers throughout the state conducted a protest against the government. It started in Coimbatore and spread over. More than 15 thousand farmers were arrested. Many died to oppression. Statue was laid for those who sacrificed their lives at Coimbatore. Kamaraj raised his voice for farmers pointing out the mistakes of the ruling party. He strongly condemned the government for what they had failed to do and what they had done wrongly in a hasty way.
He conducted a big procession. He also warned the government. He also said suppose if the government continued its position he would have to preside the strike. He also gave a time limit to release the people arrested. The government released the arrested people.
National Festival at Madurai:-
Kamaraj who worried very much as the farmers were arrested in 1972 had cancelled his birthday celebration.
In that year it was decided to celebrate the birth day of Kamaraj on October 1st and Gandhiji's birthday on October 2nd.
To obtain his permission, leaders went to Madras. Kamaraj , who was sitting in a chair on the terrace got shocked once he came to know this. He gave on angry look at them.
He refused for his birthday function as he could not be compared with Gandhiji. He was ready to participate only if Gandhiji's birthday was celebrated.
But Nedumaran said that people look him as the last heir of Gandhiji it could be celebrated. Even then he refused. However they convinced him and got the permission.
National function was celebrated at Madurai. The function was in such a way it informed to the world that Kamaraj was after Gandhiji the whole Tamilnadu gathered at Madurai. Madurai tremored.
During the National Celebration Madurai Mayor Muthu challegend the procession of Bullock Carts. Kudanthai .Ramakrishnan under the stewardship and guidance of Nedumaran worked hard and went to all the villages in and around Madurai, brought thousands of bullock carts for the procession and sent them back after the function. M/s. Sunderajan Servai , Chonamuthu Servai , Muthukarupan Ambalam , Paramalai , Deyvanayagam, So.Balakrishnan, Jothilal , Azhagarsamy , Mrs. Poonammal and others were also worked hard .
Nedumaran was in the green memory of Kamaraj after this function. He was honored as “Maa Veeran" (Great Warrior) by Kamaraj.

The meetings held on 2nd October 1973 at Kannapar Thidal and Sydapet Theradi Thidal was a turning point in the history of Congress.
The sky was cloudy a cool breeze was their on that evening. Thousands of people gathered at both the places.
There was no chance for the Congress to protest or strike on for Dharna after independence in Tamilnadu since it was ruled by Kamaraj.
DMK came to power in 1967 defeating Congress. Kamaraj did not tell anything for a period of 6 months. Between the period of 1967 and 1971 the executives of Congress party in Tamilnadu and the party people at the district level many times stressed for Dharna. In the interest of the public Kamaraj did not permit. He strictly said they should propaganda their views among the people.
DMK government lifted the prohibition in Tamilnadu. To the prolonged desire , to stage Dharna , of the Congress lot of supports came.
Hike in prices , problems to farmer , implementing prohibition again , weaver's grievances caused for Dharna to Congress leader and they insist Kamaraj. Kamaraj gave his approval for a peaceful Dharna.
Congress working committee decided to stage dharna in front of the government office all over Tamilnadu placing a 5 point demand.
It decided to stage Dharna from 3rd to 12th of October 1973 for the following demands.
1. To take steps to control the increasing prices.
2. To eradicate unemployment
3.To find a solution for the farmer's grievances.
4. To wipeout the problems to the weavers.
5.To implement complete prohibition.
Permission of Kamaraj to stage Dharna gave refreshment to the Congress volunteers. The two speeches at Saidapet and Kannapar Thidal were unforgettable. He said that the reasons for the problems were economic political situations. The plans were speedy but employment of shelter was not available.
Because of the growing cheaters due to averishness for money and power the country was deteriorated.
“Let us stand on the path of Gandhism and stage Dharna . Gandhi would calls this a Sathyagraha. In that truth, justice and honesty were there No violence and force will be in the path of Gandhiji. Like that volunteers should stage Dharna "
“Volunteers should bear the torture and should stage the dharna even if they are arrested by the police. You have come forward to face anything. I ask you only this. We do not know what will happen tomorrow. If you are arrested or not, if you like are don't like should not worry."
“If you are arrested go to jail with courage. Truth will win. Be Bold.”

General election in Pondicheery was conducted in 1974. Both the Congress joined together and were in the field with new spirit. Kamaraj and Indira Gandhi spoke at two places ( Karikkal and Pondicherry) in general meeting.
At the end of the election though did not get majority to form ministry got more seats than other parties. A new party with a desire to form ministry came forward. Kamaraj gave way to it. Country appreciated his magnanimity. The new party joined with Communist party formed the ministry in a speed. With the same speed the government toppled down.
After the split in Congress Indira Gandhi criticized the Congress leaders. She blamed Sanjeeva Reddy, Nijalingappa , Pattil and Atulya Gosh . But she did not utter a word against Kamaraj.
Kamaraj frequently visited to T.T.Krishnamachari who was sick. They discussed about the political problems. T.T.K. met both Kamaraj and Indira Gandhi and made them to speak with each other regarding re-union of Congress.
Kamaraj at the Tamilnadu Congress working committee explained regarding the discussion with the P.M Indira Gandhi.
A resolution was passed in a working committee meeting; the Congress should not be having any relationship with any party who had relationship with DMK or AIADMK. Following this the mouths of the people who looked Congress with doubts were shut. The loss of T.T.K. shocked Kamaraj . In a period of 6 years Kamaraj felt the demises of Mr.Annadurai , Mr.Rajaji and Periyar E.V.R as his own loss and consoled others.
On October 2nd 1975 Kamaraj got up from his bed at 6.30am Morning news paper's were given to him . He read all the papers. After bath he took his break-fast.
He was given insulin injection by the doctor who usually checks up his health at 10.am.
50 law college students came to meet him at 11.am. They went into the reception room where he was seeing the number students. He comes out with the help of his assistants as space was insufficient in that room. He was with their for about 3 minutes and then took leave.
He contacted the Congress secretaries at 12am. Later he met news reporters and Joint secretary of Chidambaram Congress Mr.Thanigai Thambi. Lunch; which he used to take usually at 1.pm, he took on that day at 1.30 pm. He was sweating though the ceiling was in full speed.
His assistants mopped his body. After lunch he went to bathroom and then to bed. He called his assistants at 2.pm and told to him to get the doctor as he was sweating through the air condition was on. As they could not Dr.Sourirajan over telephone they contacted Dr.Jeyaraman. Kamaraj himself talked to Dr.Jeyaraman and told him about his condition. Doctor asked him whether he was having breathing trouble and pain on the chest. Kamaraj said he was only having sweat. Then he lied down on the bed as his back.
Again he called his assistants to inform the doctor to bring a blood pressure apparatus when comes and asked his assistant to wake him up once the doctor comes.
At 3.pm Dr.Sourirajan came running went into the room where Kamaraj was sleeping by keeping his both hands under his head with folded legs. But his regular snore was not there.
His mind trembled. He was shocked. He touched the shoulders of Kamaraj and tried to wake him up. To test the pulse he took his hand. It was cold. Immediately he cried saying that Kamaraj passed away. He threw down his stethoscope and pressure apparatus.
He tried to poke an injection direct into his heart. But it was failed. Next second Dr.Annamalai came there. He announced the demise of Kamaraj. The time was 3.20 pm.
Last breath of Kamaraj went at his house at Thirumalai Pillai Road , T.Nagar, Madras.
The last pillar of Gandhism fell down.

Demise of Gandhiji shocked the public. Rain came extinguish the forest fire. But the demise of the leader Kamaraj even in the heavy down pour spreaded likes a forest fire.
In a short period people rushed towards the house of their great leader. The man who got freedom, who served for the poor was sleeping, where usually sleeps, for ever.
There was a silent smile in the face. The great leader mixed with glory in a simple look. The C.M. Karunanidhi with his tearful eyes saw the duty oriented leader who was beyond the party feelings. Sorrow surrounded the place of the man who toiled himself to wipe out the sorrows of the poor.
Stream of tears plunged the house and the down pour plunged the state. What was next ? Duty challenged the tears.
Police could not control the crowd. The house having the door No.8. at Thirumalai Pillai Road , was crowded by the public.
Sons who lost their father, weeping brothers and sisters who lost their mother , volunteers who lost their leader. devotees who lost their god. the sound cry in all directions.
Car came to take his body to Rajaji Hall.
In an arranged special car the body of Kamaraj was brought to Rajaji Hall at 5.30 pm on October 2nd. On hearing the news the flags were half hoisted in all over the country. Shops were closed , cinemas were cancelled.
Gandhi Jayanthi programmes were cancelled in order to pay homage to Kamaraj.
Friday ,the next day , was declared as Govt., holiday. Tamilnadu Government announced a 7 days mourning. The portrait of Kamaraj was garlanded and candles lighted before it in all the streets of villages and cities of Tamilnadu.
Police could not control the flooding crowd. His body was covered with Tricolor Flag. It was placed in front portion of Rajaji Hall.
Tamilnadu Governor Sha, C.M. Karunanidhi , Pondicheery Governor Sethilal , Ministers of Tamilnadu, All India New Congress Committee General Secretary Narasimha Rao, Tamilnadu Congress President P.Ramachandran , New Congress President K.S.Ramasamy , Sivaji Ganesan place wreath at the feet of Kamaraj.
Few swooned. Two died due to Cardiac arrest. Additional coaches were attached in all the trains bound for Madras from South. More than 20 died due to accidents in traffic. The crowd was increasing second by second. People were in queue of 2 to 3 rows upto a distance of 2 miles to pay their last homage to their departed leader.
Chief Minister Mr.Karunanidhi and Congress Secretary Thindivanam Ramamoorthy were searching a place in rainy night to construct a memorial building for the leader.
It was decided to construct in an area of 2 acres of land near the building of the father of the nation Gandhiji.
Our station people gathered during night. People tried to enter through all the gates of Rajaji Hall. Police suffered to control the public.
The queue disordered. Aged around 95 years , youths , ladies , poor, hut dwellers , children were in the queue to see the face of their leader last time. Kakkan was brought by 3 people. He was consoled by other leaders.
Thyagis , Central and State Ministers , Officials , Artists ,Ambassadors of various countries , leaders of political parties paid their homage.
British government sent their condolence message to P.M. Indira Gandhi.
In the message it was said " Royal Britain Government conveys its heart felt Condolences to the demised Kamaraj who was a senior and respectable leader. It all also keep in its memory the remarkable development Tamilnadu had when Kamaraj was its Chief Minister."
Wife of Tirupur Kumaran paid homage by placing a wreath. Tears were streaming down from her eyes.
His sister Nagammal cried like anything. The government printed a special gazette with black border in memory of the demise leader Kamaraj.
P.M.Indira Gandhi arrived at the afternoon. She came to Rajaji Hall straight from the air port. Exactly she enter at 3.10pm , through the Eastern gate. Along with her Governor Sha , C.M.Karunanidhi , Central Ministers came.
Indira Gandhi observed 2 minutes silence after placing a wreath. She saw the sorrowful public. Tears rolled down from her eyes. The she left through the eastern gate.
Kamaraj's sister's son, Jawahar performed the rituals. His body was bathed. Dots of Holy ash, sandal and saffron powder were placed no his forehead. He was dressed with a new Khadi dress.
His body was at Rajaji Hall for 21 hours . 20 lakhs people paid their homage.
The body of the leader was handed of to Military. Soldiers of all the 3 forces, Army , Navy and Air force stood with bowed heads and downed rifles in their hands.
M.S.Subbulakshmi sung a melody. On the other side the sound of people's cry.
Soldiers kept his body in Canon Truck , Guns were fired as a mark of respect. His sister Nagammal got swooned. The military respects were usually given only to existing President , Ex-President , Existing P.M., Chief Ministers. But , leader Kamaraj though he was not in any position at the time of his death the military respect was given.
His last procession started 3.30pm from Rajaji Hall. Flowers showered on the Canon Truck. In the next Truck Tamilnadu Congress President P.Ramachandran , Central Minister C.Subramaniam , Rajaram Naidu , Sivaji Ganesan , Nedumaran, Kumari Ananthan , Kudanthai Ramakrishnan , Dhandauthapany and some other were standing.
There was a rain . People were standing in the rain. Throughout Mount Road , in the multi storyed buildings at the bus stop shelters, at the top of hoardings , telephone posts only human heads were seen.
The procession which started from Rajaji Hall crossed 10 Kms took 3 hours to reach Gandhi Mandapam.
On a special platform sandal woods were kept. Soldiers of the 3 forces carried his body and kept on the sandal wood. Ministers and leaders placed wreath. Rituals were performed. It only 15 minutes.
People were shouting slogans Pro-Kamaraj , the last heir of Gandhi and their un-forgettable leader from a distance of 1 k.m.
Canon was shot for 3 times before setting fire to the body. Kanagavel , the grandson of Kamaraj's sister set fire to the body. The fire went up. Indira Gandhi, who was made as Prime Minister by Kamaraj , could not her control herself and cried.
The light of our life was put off. Affectionate and respectable great leader is no more. Every thing is finished. Kamaraj mixed with Gandhiji.
Kamaraj was the M.P. of Nagarkoil at the time of his death. He was as a M.P for a period of 6 years , 8 months and 24 days. from January 1969 to till his death. Before Gandhi dies he called " Hey Ram " , Nehruji said " I have seen all the files" before his death Kamaraj said " Put off the light ".
On 26th January 1975 he deliver a speech on the eve of Republic day .In that he said, " We all should take an oath on this Republic day and do things that we will bow for love but not for power. We will not afraid of force ."
It was his last on Republic day. He traveled till June 1975. He collected election funds for Congress. He was affected by influenza fever then. Later he avoided the public functions.
He replied to P.M. for her letter. He wrote in that , " I am getting well. Thanks for enquiring about my health." It was his last letter.
He did not attend the 2 days working committee meeting held on July 2nd and 3rd of 1975. This was the first working committee meeting in which he did not take part.
It was resolved in that meeting to consult Kamaraj according to the situation . Emergency should be withdrawn. Arrested should be released.
Kamaraj met Actor Sivaji Ganesan at his residence on 1st October 1975 and conveyed his birthday greetings. This was the last function he attended.
Gandhiji's birth day celebration was about to be celebrated on October 2nd 1975 at Gandhi Mandapam. Governor had sent and an invitation to Kamaraj to participate in the function. He replied to Governor thanking him for the invitation. He informed in that letter that he would participate in the function. But passed away and merged with Gandhiji.He had planned to tour throughout Tamilnadu from November 1975. For that a special van consisting stage and mike etc., was presented by Madurai T.V.S. to Kamaraj.
His feet did not touch the van. Before that the god of Death took his life.
His last message to public was delivered on the eve of Gandhiji's birthday.
In that he said , " October 2nd is the Gandhi's birth day. On that day we should remember Gandhi and his high principles and philosophies. Let us follow the way Gandhiji showed us and eradicate envy and parities."
After the death of Mr.Kamaraj , as per his last wish Mr.Nedumaran arranged for the merger of the party with Congress(I) at Marina , Madras . All the true followers of Kamaraj joined with Indira Congress. Bharat Ratna Posthumously awarded to Perunthalaivar Kamaraj in the year 1976.

I would like to know about the arrest attempt made by indira gandhi
As per his last words......
The light of our life was put off.
To us, as Indians....
Our Affectionate and most respectable great leader is no more.
Every thing is finished.
Our eyes still shed tears for this GREAT SON of INDIA.
I want to know how the criminal veerappan shooted by the police.
Its clear Kamaraj ji last function was Shivaji Ganesan Birthday .soon on same day he was sweating and could not able to tell what was happening in his body.
And there was an rumour in those days , This actor might be in any way an reason for death, as this has already tried so much in Politics which is vain....
God Only Knows how Death are happening sudden to some good leaders .
Today I cant compare Jayalaitha from Tamil Nadu , YSR from Andhra ,Rajiv Gandhi &so many we can counts ,but killed with some planned execution.
God only need to save good politician from culprits
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