When they were flying to Delhi they received shocking news of Nehru's demise around 2.pm. All the three cried in the flight itself. No one talked to each other. Kamaraj shed tears for the second time in his political life.
G.Krishnamoorthy came to Delhi. Palam airport. G.Krishnamoorthy said that Nanda was to take charge as interim P.M.
Kamaraj , Nijalingappa and Alulya Gosh went straight to Nehru's residence. Lakhs of people gathered there with tears in their eyes to pay their last homage to their departed national leader. People's eye of the world turned towards India.
Ambassadors of foreign courtiers, state Chief Ministers and M.Ps left to Delhi on the next day.
An era came to an end. The body of Nehru, who was the first man for about 17 years administered 45 crores of people and got a primary place to India in the world was cremated. He became immortal.
His demise shocked not only India but the entire world. Indians were not strong enough to absorb the shock. They had to get it step by step. As a first step Gulsari lal Nanda became the interim Prime Minister.
The second step to find out the answer for ' Whom after Nehru? ".
We had to note a point before finding out the answer. The political gamblers of the foreign countries spread a rumor under political prediction that in India there would be military rule because the confusion between Congress leaders due to quarrel for leadership which would shutter the democracy. Even some senior politicians in India expected the same. But their expectation did not happen Congress people behaved in a gentle manner as expected by the Indians and the people of the world. Congress leaders found a solution within 6 days after Nehru's death. They showed to the world that after Gandhi and Nehru they could elect a suitable person to take the people in a right way and this save the prestige of the party.
his was done by the son of our State Sri.Kamaraj who had a special place in the history of India.
He diverted the leaders who had a slight idea to contest and met 540 Congress M.Ps , 15 state C.Ms and some important Congress leaders and understood their views and conveyed his and the public opinion to them and finally gathered all together and elected next P.M. which was not an easy task of Kamaraj. As S.KPatil and Nanda said it was history famed giant task.
After cremation of Nehruji , Kamaraj met President Radhakrishnan . President informed Kamaraj that the senior minister, Mr.Nanda took charge as interim Prime Minister and the leader to Congress for Parliament was to be elected.
From that time onwards the eyes of the world which were on India had turned towards Kamaraj. The people who asked “Who was after Nehru" now eagerly looking at Kamaraj as what he was going to do. From that day onwards Kamaraj did not even wink his eyes. The name “KAMARAJ" appeared in bold letters in the newspapers of the world.
For the first time he invited Malavya and Morarji and had a talk with them. He convinced them to obey the orders of Congress working committee , there were opposition to elect the leader of the party to Parliament (P.M) according to the instructions of the working committee Kamaraj did not care that . He pointed out the election of President and Vice-president by the working committee.
A meeting of AIC working committee was organized on 30th May to elect a new leader to parliament. 13 C.Ms of the state where Congress was in rule and V.R. Krishna menon were participated in the meeting as special invites.
Kamaraj presided over the meeting and wanted them to save co-operation.
He also said that they were there to fill up the vacancy caused by the death of Nehru hence they should act with co-operation and elect the leader of the party to parliament unanimously.
Finally the working committee gave the power to advice in the election of prime minister to Kamaraj. It was his second victory. He took the responsibility of deciding the fate of the country again.
In the next 3 days he invited the Congress members of the parliament and the Chief Ministers and talked to them. Kamaraj who crossed all the political storms faced this challenge too.
Newspapers flashed that whether Lal Bhagadhur Sastri or Morarji Desai. Who was the next P.M. Countries of the world were looking upon this.
Kamaraj was keen in electing the P.M. unanimously.
Majority supported Lal Bhagadhur Sastri . It was the wish of Kamaraj too.
On 1st of June (Monday) night Kamaraj met Morarji Desai and informed him about the interest of the majority members in electing Sastri as P.M. . . . Then Morarji Desai gave an interview to Newspapers reporters about the decision of the parliament members in electing Sastri as P.M. They appreciated his act of obedience to the party's high command.
Election of Sastri as Prime Minister:
June 2nd. It was the day which made a turning point in the Indian history. It was the day which answered to the question of “who is after Nehru”
Kamaraj created another history that day. Generally Congress party meeting never held in the central hall of the parliament. Kamaraj conducted the meeting there.
Exactly at 9'o clock Congress party members gathered at the Central hall of the parliament. State C.M.s, Leaders and Foreign Ambassadors were in the Visitor's gallery.
In his presidential speech Kamaraj said that it was not possible for them to fill up the place of the departed leader Nehru. So to do the duty which was before them they require a joint leadership, joint responsibility and unique view. He also gave them warning. He said, “We were under the umbrella named Nehruji. Whatever we did we had the courage as he was there. He excused us for our mistakes. Now that situation is not there. So, in future we should act with utmost care.”
Mr.Nanda who was the interim P.M. for a period of 6 days proposed the name of Lal Bhagadhur Sastri as the party leader of the parliament. Morarji Desai seconded the proposal. Sastri was elected unanimously. Immediately all the members stood and welcomed the new leader with applauses.
Lal Bhagadhur Sastri became the P.M. Morarji Desai, S.K.Pattil, Jegajeevan Ram and Krishna Menon whole heartedly appreciated Sastri. India's First P.M (Nehru) was nominated by Gandhiji.
India's Second P.M. was given to us by the Southern Gandhi, Leader Kamaraj.
Yes, our state gave the Second P.M of India.
True nature could be seen only at the time of troubles. In such occasions Kamaraj developed his intelligence, courage and sacrifice. His political growth was astonishment. In whichever post he was he had more talent than required to it.. There was no place above to his talent.
The shock due to the demise of Nehru and the shock to Kairon's affairs worried India's position. Kamaraj beautifully managed the situation. Public had a feeling that they need not worry as long as Kamaraj was there.
Affection towards Children: -
In 1964 he opened a Girl's high school at North Madras. N.D.Sundara Vadivelu presided.
Rajeswari , a 9th Standard Student , in her welcome address praised Kamaraj and his government for having given free education upto S.S.L.C
She further said that the broad minded rich people helped for the uniforms, books and mid-day meals to the poor students like her. Even then Kamaraj should make arrangements to provide all these permanently by the government.
In reply to that Kamaraj said that NO parents should suffer to provide food, clothes and education to their children. Government must take the responsibility of bringing up the children upto 15 years. and he stressed that the government would take.
People realized , Kamaraj who had no children had the high regard about the children.
At Guntur:-
In 1964 AICC meeting was held at Guntur. At that time, health of G.Rajagopalan , party secretary and the right hand of Kamaraj ., was very serious. He died there. His body was brought to Delhi.
P.M.Sastri came to Madras and paid his homage. On seeing the body his wife cried. Kamaraj's eyes shed tears.
After this he never shed tears in his political life till the end. Even at the death of his mother Kamaraj did not tear.
Kamaraj's house in Delhi was at Jandar Mandar Road. His house was always neat and tidy. Even Indira Gandhi praised this. All wondered as how a bachelor could keep his house so clean. All the politicians throughout India visited his house. News reporters never failed to attend. In 1965 Indira Gandhi went to his house to greet him for the Tamil New Year's day. Then his assistant Ambi offered Indira Gandhi a cup of “Payasam".
At the gate of his Delhi house there was a small name board with his name as " Kamaraj ", the house of the "King Maker" was always open.
Sri.Sankaracharya Swamigal once praised Kamaraj as a “Great man of India".
He blessed Kamaraj as the man who without caring his personal inconveniences had the mind to serve for the nation. He knew the morals well.
Had the Congress did not get his leadership it would be the end of it.
The 69th conference was held at Durgapur on 9th January 1965. He explained about the danger of China's atomic bombs and the relationship of Pakistan. He also pointed out that they were trying to created a new era to wipe out poverty , unemployment, and ignorance in a short period. So they had to give priority to the plans which would fruitful result to in a short period.
Amidst the Soldiers:
When the war started between India and Pakistan in 1965 he air dashed to the war front and met the soldiers and encouraged them. He was one among them. They heard his emotional speeches with interest.A soldier said "VANAKKAM" in Tamil. Immediately he enquired about his native place. When he replied as “Vellore “he started to enquire about his address and the people living there. After getting the answer Kamaraj assured the soldier to meet his relatives at Vellore. This made them happy.

Lal Bhagadhur Sastri came to Madras in 1965. Leader of Madras state gathered to give him their donation for the war fund. Congress workers meeting were held at Abutsbury Palace as a final programme. The speech of Sastri was a melting one. Whenever he uttered " Kamaraju" "Kamaraju" the public applaused.
He said, “Our soldiers are forwarding in the war field. If it is due to the efforts of the government only Kamaraj's advices helped for it. Kamaraj is my brother who did not born with me. He is a guide to me; through him i rule the nation. His advices to end the war helped a lot. The encouragement he gave me helped the battalion to march forward in the war”
The meeting of Congress working committee was going on in 1965 December 24. It was 1.pm. Then Dhanushkote drowned in the sea due to storm. The causality could not be ascertained. The message came to Madras. Immediately the meeting came to an end.
Leader Kamaraj and C.M. Bakthavathsalam discussed urgently about the rescue operations. They went by flight from Madras. When the flight was halfway through, one of the engines of the aero plane failed. Passengers cried. With the ability of the pilot the efforts were taken to land the flight when then the flight was 10 feet above the ground level the other engine also failed. The flight fell down. Luckily no one was injured. All the passengers run helter - shelter to save their life. But Kamaraj without any tension got out of the flight and asked for things to do next.
Wireless message was sent to Bangalore. In few hours military plane came. Both Bakthavathsalam and Kamaraj went to Ramanad in that. Then they took the helicopter which was ready there. From the helicopter they saw Dhanushkote and Rameshwaram islands which were seriously affected by the violence of the nature. Curd Rice, Bread and Food stuff were dropped from the plane. It helped for the survival to those who lived between the dead.
Rescue operations were fastened on hearing the arrival of Kamaraj. Naval ships Sarada & Hamidia were on the roaring sea to rescue the people who were drowning.Kamaraj consoled the public who were affected by famine, diseases, torrent ional rain, and storm.
The year 1965 it was a problematic year in the Indian political and economic affairs with foreign countries.
The food problem was there throughout the country, linguistic problem rose in south. Crops dried due to monsoon failure. Natural calamities like flood and famine were the stone on the track of economic development. Above all Indo-Pakistan war increased the problems and troubles.
The world appreciated Lal Bhagadhur Sastri of his courage, the way he acted during the war with Pakistan. Relationship with Russia and Czechoslovakia were improved.
Sastri went to Tashkent on the invitation of international leaders on 4th December 1965. He had a compromise talk with Ayubkhan the premier of Pakistan. The talk continued till 10th. Finally he made Ayubkhan to sign in the agreement to seize war. He died on the same night. Sastri , Who went to Tashkent to find a way for peace agreement between India and Pakistan passed away there itself.
Students of school's said, " Sastri is short but his work is big" . His body was brought in a plane by Russian Premier Kosigin and Pakistan Premier Ayubkhan. At the airport they brought the body on their shoulders. They were there till the cremation and consoled the relatives.
On 11th all the newspapers in the world flashed the news about Tashkent agreement and demise of Sastri.
With 2 years after the death of Nehru India was forced to elect another P.M.
Again a big responsibility chased Kamaraj who solved the question of " Who after Nehru"
Congress men and the public looked at Kamaraj with a belief that India would be safe in his hands and he would solve the problem of " Who is after Sastri". The world also turned towards Kamaraj.
There were 6 people with full qualifications for the post of P.M. They were not ready to withdraw themselves from the contest. The working committee meeting was conducted on 14th January 1965.
Under the presidency of Kamaraj , it was discussed to elect the P.M.In the meeting it was resolved that Kamaraj should elect the P.M. after knowing the opinions of the members.
Kamaraj invited the M.P.s and state C.M.s . This time his approach was different. He drew the members to his side who had difference of opinion. His talent was appreciated by the M.P.s throughout the day. Atulya Gosh gave a suggestion. He suggested Kamaraj as P.M.For this he gathered the supports of the M.P.s and C.M.s
Kamaraj refused it immediately. When Kamaraj refused the Prime Minister ship M.P.s and public called him as "Maharishi Kamaraj " (Saint Kamaraj ). Kamaraj was prepared to face the situation suppose if the contest was unavoidable. He predicted that only Morarji Desai would contest against Indira Gandhi. Nanda and Chavan were not having enough support, hence they would involve themselves.
The good reasons to elect Indira Gandhi were, she was the president of AICC then, So the country knew her well. More than 50% of the population was ladies and they would prefer a lady to be the P.M. Also international leaders knew Indira Gandhi well.
State Chief Ministers openly supported Indira Gandhi. On 16th January of 1966. 14 out of 16 state Chief Ministers openly announced that they were supporting Indira Gandhi. At that time Morarji Desai and his followers were seeking the support of M.P.s.
Indira Became PM:
News reporters interviewed Kamaraj at this house. He gave wireless interview. When a reporter said to Kamaraj that it was said the C.Ms were not having votes hence they had no rights to decide. Kamaraj got angry and said not to ask foolish questions. He also said that when they were trying to solve a tough problem every one should think about the interest of the nation and should not drag in many directions.
Another reporter asked whether there were two contestants. His immediate reply was he did not know.
Morarji Desai wrote a letter to the parliament as his final attempt.
On 18th January Kamaraj meet Morarji Desai at his residence and informed that Indira Gandhi had the support of majority of the members and it was for Morarji to give way to Indira Gandhi to become the P.M. by avoiding the contest. But Morarji replied that the ballot box would speak on the next day. Kamaraj took leave of him.
All the members assembled at the parliament house on 19th January 1966 to elect their new leader. Kamaraj presided. 26 members did not attend. But they sent their ballots denoting their choice.
After independence it was the first contest for the Prime Ministership Nanda proposed the name of Indira Gandhi and Sanjeeva Reddy seconded the same. Morarji Desai's name was proposed by K.Hanumanthaiah and seconded by T.R.Palivel. Secret pooling took two hours. Ballots were counted. The Ballot Box spoke. Indira Gandhi won by getting 355 votes and Morarji got only 169 and was defeated.
This election proved that Kamaraj's power was in his good behavior and sharp political knowledge.
In the felicitation function Kamaraj said that India had to face serious problems and all the members should co-operate with Indira Gandhi to solve them. Then he invited Morarji Desai to speak. Morarji said that he was ready to offer his full co-operation.
Then Indira Gandhi spoke in Hindi first and later in English. She said that, she would go in the same track of his predecessors and she requested the co-operation of the members.

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