Kamaraj's representative met Sardar Patel at Bombay and explained him the situation. Immediately Sardar Patel contacted Kamaraj and Rajaji.
Rajaji had a talk with Kamaraj. Kamaraj explained Patel that there should be 8 members in Parliamentary board and 3 from his group and 3 from Rajaji's apart from President and Vice-President. Rajaji accepted to this without any other go. It was the same thing what Kamaraj told right from the beginning. Finally Rajaji accepted the same. Patel too accepted to this on behalf of the Parliamentary board and informed to Aruna Asif Ali.
8 members board for Madras State Congress Parliament was formed. Rajaji was not given a seat in this. Kamaraj , Rukmani Lakshmipathi, Muthuranga Mudaliar , Ramasami Reddiar , Avinashilingam Chettiar were on one side and C.P.Subbiah , Muthusami Pillai , Annamalai Pillai were on the other side representing Rajaji.
There was a political war between Kamaraj and Rajaji in Madras State. Rajaji had the support of Indian leaders at the beginning. But Kamaraj had a strong foundation and strong support of his followers. Hence no one could shake him.
Rajaji opinioned that Kamaraj was a sensible and honest man . He said it in 1966 June. Gandhiji presided the Silver Jubilee of Hindi Prachar Saba in January 1946 at Chennai. His arrival was kept secret as Gandhiji was unwell. Police took the charge of receiving Gandhiji.
Rajaji knew where Gandhiji would get down from the train. He did not inform this to Kamaraj. He took N.Gopalasami Iyengar and Sathyanarayana , Secretary of Hindi Prachar Sabha along with him without Kamaraj. When Kamaraj came to Hindi Prachar Saba he found that Rajaji and others went to receive Gandhiji .He knew not the exact place of Gandhiji's arrival. He did not know what to do.At that time a news reporter by name Ganapathy came there , who like other reporting efficient in finding out the secrets like a brained detectives informed Kamaraj the exact location where Gandhiji would be invited and took to Ambattur railway station where Rajaji and others were waiting for Gandhiji's arrival.
The special train in which Gandhiji was arriving came shortly. As a president of Madras State P.C.C. Kamaraj first garlanded Gandhiji who accepted it palling the shoulders of Kamaraj.
Gandhiji stayed for a week at Madras. He left to Madurai on 1st of February. Kamaraj went along with him. He went to Madurai to worship Meenakshi Amman Temple and Palani.
After finishing his tour in Madras state he left Madras. In February 10th of 1946 he started his news paper of “Harijan “in which he praised Rajaji and his service to nation and Congress. It added fuel to fire to Kamaraj who felt very much.
Rajaji was strongly opposed in Parliament. But Gandhiji mentioned that as click.
Opposition of the public against Rajaji was mentioned as click by Gandhiji hurted Kamaraj. He decided to resign from the parliamentary board. He gave an announcement in 12th of February 1946. In which he said the parliamentary board meeting was conducted on the previous day. Gandhiji's article regarding Rajaji attracted the attention. After it the meeting was postponed. The information regarding Rajaji and the Madras state Congress appeared in "Harijan” gave shock to Kamaraj.
When Gandhiji toured Madras State Kamaraj was with him throughout the tour. But nothing was discussed about the Madras State Congress. But Gandhiji used the word of “Click”. Since that hurted Kamaraj he was prepared to resign from the parliamentary board.
This was conveyed to Gandhiji. Meanwhile Pattabi Seetharamiah explained Gandhiji about the position of Congress in detail.
The parliamentary board members other than Kamaraj accepted to sponsor nominees for 1946 election. The list was sent Sardar Patel. Bakthavathsalam and Mrs. Rukmani Lakshmipathi went to Bombay. Patel invited Kamaraj too. He went to Bombay on 18th February. But till the finalisation of the list he refused to meet Patel. He met Patel only after that and returned to Madras.
Though Rajaji included the names of his favorites he had no hopes of getting majority in the election.
There was civil commotion at Madurai against Rajaji. As could not control the situation he resigned in March 21st.
There was as problem in forming the Ministry. Kamaraj from Madras Prakasam from Andhra and Madhava Menon from Kerala went to Delhi, met Patel. But they were directed to Gandhiji. But Gandhiji did not like Prakasam to be the Chief Minister as Prakasam did not behave properly in Public Affairs. He did not want him to be even as ordinary minister.
Among Pattabi Seetharamaiah , Rajaji and Prakasam , name of Prakasam was eliminated by Gandhiji and he asked to select one out of the remaining two.
On April 10th seven leaders met Moulana Azad. He suggested to form a ministry consisting Prakasam , Rajaji and Pattbi Seethramiah . Pattabi Seetharamaiah did not accept to this . He met Gandhiji on 11th April.
Gandhiji invited Kamaraj consulted him and keenly noted the positions of Madras state and asked about the possibilities of wining if Pattabi Seetharamiah was nominated. Kamaraj wanted the Co-operation of Rajaji and Gandhiji gave his assurance for that.
Prakasam became Chief Minister:-
On April 13th Kamaraj met Patel and informed about the discussions he had with Gandhiji. He informed Rajaji too about Gandhiji's decision.
Rajaji opposed this as his name was not considered for Chief Minstership and refused to co-operate.
Since Gandhiji did not prefer Prakasam he supported Rajaji with a hope to get at least a post of minister. Due to this there was a split in the opposition group of Rajaji. There was change in Prakasam after his Delhi trip. He decided to contest for Chief Minister. As Gandhiji did not prefer Prakasam , Kamaraj refused to support him. He nominated Muthuranga Mudaliar against Prakasam expecting a support Rajaji's group. Prakasam won by 7 votes. 33 members of Rajaji group supported Prakasam and got his victory.
Kamaraj was advised not to support the ministry of Prakasam but he refused. People from the group of Kamaraj were also in the ministry. Kamaraj wanted Mr.Madhava menon to be given a ministry post. But Prakasam made Raghava menon of Rajaji's group as a minister which resulted toppling down of Praksam's minsitry.
Kamaraj did not take any step to topple down the ministry of Prakasam. At the house of Rajaji at Delhi a meeting was held for this toppling down. They decided to bring No Confidence Motion against Prakasam.
Rajaji recommended O.P.Ramasami Reddiar after Prakasam , meanwhile there was a talk for compromise too. Acharya Kriplani comes to Madras from Delhi. Praksam pleaded to allow him as Chief Minister and elect any one as ministers. All accepted for this except Kamaraj. Kripalni compelled Kamaraj. But Kamaraj did not go back from his decision. No Confidence Motion was brought in and passed. These incidents happened when Malabar and Andhra were with Madras as a composite state.
Peak Time:-
Presidentship of Kamaraj burnt the eyes of many. They wanted to remove him from that post. There came the election in May 16th of 1946. Rajaji's group worked vigorously to defeat Kamaraj. They asked Muthuramalinga Thevar to contest against Kamaraj. He refused. They approached S.Ganesan of Karaikudi and he contested against Kamaraj. Kamaraj won in the election and defeated his rival by a margin of 62 votes. He became as a President of Madras State P.C.C. again.
After 1942 August revolution Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) had the support of all the political leaders. They considered that as a bridge for freedom fight.
Leaders like V.V.Giri , N.G.Ramasami of Kovai took active part in Congress party an in INTUC. They considered as Independence as a weapon to remover poverty among labours.
There was a change in the unions under INTUC in 1942. Some unions started blaming others and betray the labours.
Thousands of labours who were in jail in freedom fight condemned the behavior of INTUC and wanted to form a separate union for them.
In 1945 Security Detunes and prisoners of independence were released in bunches. Congress prisoners who cam from the jail started a Congress union. Since P.C.C. of Madras state was treated as against law on that period this union could not act under P.C.C. Muthuranga Mudaliar was in a key post .R.Venkatraman and late Rajagopalan decided to start Congress oriented union.
Congress Labours: -
Assembly election came in 1946. Four seats were allotted for the labours of Madras state. Buckingham Mill Labor Union , Coimbatore Cotton Mill Union , Workers of South Indian Railway and other factory workers of Madras were allotted those four seats.
The president and good administrator of INTUC P.Jeevanandam contest for INTUC. Congress wanted to nominate a poor labour so that through him Congress can have good growth. Kamaraj accepted for this proposal and Kanniappan was elected for the assembly.
Kamaraj handled any problems of labours personally. Being a president of P.C.C. he liked to have his direct involvement.
There was a strike at Coimbatore 30,000 labours participated in that. Kamaraj and R.Venkatraman met the mill owners and talked with them and consulted the ministry and reached for an amicable settlement, this confirmed Kamaraj as a friend to labour. Leaders of B & C mill unions used to consult Kamaraj for his advice. Labours of Madurai Harvey mill wanted Kamaraj to be their union leader.
Kamaraj helped a lot to form union for the Tea and Coffee plantation workers.
One Dr.Daniel a union leader of plantation workers said that had not there been the help and support of Kamaraj their union might have come to an end.
Narayanasami Naidu formed a union for agricultural labours in Madras state. But only Kamaraj gave all the right to that union. There was no security for peasants and labours in Tanjore. Kamaraj along with Narayanasami Naidu implemented the settlement arrived between Naidu and then Revenue minister K.N.Venkat Rao. He helped them a lot and they treated him as their god-father.
1500 Members:-
Problems faced by the employees of Simson group were solved with help of Kamaraj.
He listened the grievances of labour with sympathy gave them the solutions and did the things that were to be done by the government.
Labours treated him as their leader. God-father, friend and philosopher.
Nathaniel the president Trivancore Dominion Madras State P.C.C met Kamaraj in 1946. He explained that they were being prevented to join with Tamilnad and of that position continues there won't be either Tamil or Tamilians . Hence the help of Kamaraj was very much necessary for this.
Kamaraj replied that due to wont of time and pressure of work he could not visit Trivancore though he received lot of letters and telegrams. As per that day's Congress committee formation they should join only with Kerala Congress Committee. Unless the law was changed there was no other go. But when the linguistic states were formed they could join with Madras state P.C.C. A resolution was passed in P.C.C working committee that places around Trivancore near Madras state should be permitted by AICC to join with Madras state for the work of congress.
Care taker government was formed in Trivancore in September 4th of 1947. Election was nearing with powers for aged to exercise their franchise.
Tamils who went around with slogans for united Tamilnad were lathi charged by armed polices. Lathi charge, oppression, false cases were the daily routines.
Tamils took oath to live with unity or to die. They sent telegrams to Kamaraj stating the dangers faced by them. Kamaraj left immediately. He met the people village by village and heard their problems. He had a talk with leaders of the Dominion Congress to safeguard the interests of Tamilians but was in complete. Before leaving for Madras he informed that he would invite Pattam Thaanuu Pillai and Nathaniel to Madras for a compromise.
Pattam Thaanuu Pillai did not come to Madras at the appointed day. Election was conducted, all the Tamils joined together voted and won. The visit of Kamaraj induced for this victory.

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காமராஜர் வாழ்கை வரலாறு - Kamarajar History in Tamil
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