At this situation in the 1957 general election Congress won with an absolute majority, out of 205 seats Congress bagged 151. It astonished the whole India. For Madras state assembly Kamaraj won and became C.M. . . . He formed the second ministry.
Kamaraj submitted the list to the Governor A.J.John consisting the names of M/s. M.Bakthavathsalam , C.Subramanian , A.Manickavelan , P.Kakkan , V.Ramiah and Mrs.Lurdu Ammal Simon. His 2nd ministry took charge in 13th April 1957. Later R.Venkatraman was included in the ministry.
In 1957 general election Kamaraj was elected from Sathur Constituency. This election was a lesson to Kamaraj. Except Ananda Vikatan , the Tamil weekly , no paper or magazine supported Congress.
In general they were against Congress. Though Congress won in the election Kamaraj felt that there should be a news paper for Congress.
According to his wish a Tamil Daily by name “Thai Nadu " was proposed to be started in 1958.
But due to some delay in getting the machinery the daily could not be started. The registration of title was also expired.
In 1960 a daily by name “Nava Sakthi " was started. It was out and out for Kamaraj. The aim of it was to propaganda Kamaraj's view.
In the 1962 election Congress bugged 139 seats and DMK 50. The communist who got 15 seats in 1952 election could get only 4 in 1957.Now it got only 2 seats.
Kamaraj was elected as C.M. for the third time. He sworn in as C.M. before the then Governor Vishnu Ram Methi. On 15th March 1962. There were 9 persons including the C.M. in the ministry. It is to note that it was only the smallest cabinet in India.
Vinobaji toured Madras state (1956) only during Kamaraj's period. Kamaraj joined with him in tour and addressed the meeting s. Vinobaji saw the affection of the public towards Kamaraj and said that he was only the true follower of Gandhiji.
Kamaraj was not only sitting in the fort where the flag was flying but he also was in the hearts of the public. He was the public and public was him. He was the only leader who constructed a bridge between the huts and the fort. He stood first in having a remarkable memory power in public life. Kamaraj was the main reason to forbid the red tapism in government.
Daily Life:-
Right from his young age Kamaraj never liked luxurious life. He adopted simplicity in anything. His food, dress and speech were very simple. But he was not a miser. When he was C.M. he used to spend most of his salary for the poor who came to him for help.
A cup of coffee in the morning, lunch at 11.00 a.m. evening a cup of coffee and 2 Idlies and a cup of milk at supper were his daily food. His lunch was a simple vegetarian meal. Occasionally an egg would be added with his lunch. He never celebrated Hindu festivals. He used to get up from his bed at 7.am
He gave interview to all whoever came to meet him. He never sent anyone without seeing. He helped all as far as possible. He never helped anyone on the basis of cast or creed. For genuine reasons he never hesitated to help. He used to read books before sleep, some times up to 2'o clock in the mid night. Sometimes he used to discuss serious political problem upto 5. a.m in the next morning.
He used to have a nap after lunch. Daily he received about 75 letters. But he never replied them .Just helped the needy ones. He never replied the letters from Virudhunagar.He never wounded anybody's feelings. He moved friendly with everyone without political enmity. He used to get angry at times.
Suppose if anyone confuses him or tried to suppress the fact or telling the same matter repeated he gets annoyed. But that anger remains for a short period only. Later he forgets that and moved normally when he meets them next time.
Houses for Gipsy:-
He expects his time should not be wasted by anyone unnecessarily. He never noted his daily work. Only his assistants had to note down his appointments. He never took notes on any affair. He just kept them in his memory.
He read "Kamba Ramayanam " with interest . He used to discuss with his friends on that. He judged people by the impressions on their faces and their talks.
A veteran Congress man resided at Nungambakkam died suddenly. His wife and children were orphaned. The wife approached Kamaraj for help. He bought her a sewing machine for he livelihood and arranged for the education to the children.
Once a village Harijans of about 50 near Gudiatham met Kamaraj with a complaint that they were denied for water and electricity. Only the upper class people enjoyed the government facilities. Even their complaints with government officials were unanswered. Kamaraj immediately ordered to provide water and electricity to them.
Once 100 Gypsis of South Arcot district met Kamaraj with their families with a demand for construction of houses to them. Kamaraj fulfilled their demand.
Rajaji Came: -
When Rajaji was the C.M. he introduced the Communal Education System . One day morning around 7 .am Kamaraj was talking with Vincent of Tirupur about his dissatisfaction on Rajaji's educational policy . On that day he was un well.
He was in the upstairs with Vincent. Then his servant came and informed about the arrival of Rajaji to his house. Immediately he came down to invite Rajaji. Rajaji enquired about his health and they talked for about 10 minutes. Then Rajaji left Kamaraj went upto his car and gave a send off. Kamaraj never had hard feelings upon Rajaji personally.
In the life of Jeeva: -
Communist leader P.Jeevanandam was fighting for the issue of documents to the hut dwellers. Kamaraj was the C.M. then.
Kamaraj went to Tambaram to open a school building. Jeeva's house was on the way. Kamaraj asked the driver to stop the car in front of Jeeva's house. It was dilapidated hut. Kamaraj saw that tears rolled down. He took Jeeva along with him to the function as the foundation stone to the school was laid by Jeeva.
After sometime Jeeva's wife got a job. Kamaraj helped for that. He also helped Jeeva to stay in a good house. Jeeva was admitted in the General Hospital due to ill health where he died. Before his death he asked his nearby people to telephone to Kamaraj. Kamaraj was in the mind of Jeeva even at the time of his death. Because Kamaraj took the nation in socialistic way and he stood as an example for that.
Books he liked:-
Gandhiji's "Self Experiment " , " Nehru's politial life by Michale Britotsul " , " Laski's political grammer " , "Kamba Ramayanam " were the books he liked.
An editor of a Tamil Daily met Kamaraj at Delhi. Kamaraj while invited him opened his suitcase and removed all the clothes inside. He saw the books like " Inside Africa " , " Ends and Means " and C.V.Kandekar's " Treasure of Thoughts " and Magazines like " Time " and "News Week" .
Kamaraj's mentality was the reason for his elevation in his life. We have seen so many leaders who were elevated to the top level in public life. The direct reasons for them would be different. Born in a high society, born in a rich family or due to high educational qualification might be the reasons for their coming up to a top level. But without any of there aforesaid reasons Kamaraj was the only leader who came to a top level only by his hard work.
Kamaraj was not only a renowned national leader but also he was internationally famed. His main aim of the plan was that every Congressman in power was to abide to the order of the working committee. They should be ready resign any post at anytime or to do anything the working committee wanted them to do.
The goal and the public service trend to Congressmen gone down when the Congress party came to power when compared as it was under the eminent leadership of Gandhiji. Kamaraj felt that they wanted to be ministers and powermongus . Kamaraj thought that they should resign their posts if they were to be service oriented.
He wanted to show it practically that there are so many other ways to serve public, Kamaraj desired that however only a few can be the ministers and should not envy it and they should serve for the nation in some other way. He decided to resign his Chief Ministership as a mark of his clean heart.
Explanation of Nehruji:-
Kamaraj met Nehru at Hyderabad in July 1963. He informed his decision then. Nehruji welcomed his decision. He wanted to implement the decision of Kamaraj in a broad way and to create a welcoming change in Congress.
The defeat in U.P. and Rajkot in the middle of 1963 echoed in Congress party. The stability was affected due tot he clashes between the ministry and party and mentality of groupism. Apart from this the desire for power and opportunitism had grown up. These were the reasons for Kamaraj's “K-PLAN “.
When Nehru was worried seeing the indiscipline in the Congress Kamaraj explained his plan to him, when Nehru felt to take a sudden new action to establish the powers of working committee, Kamaraj told him his plan.
Kamaraj went to Delhi on the invitation of Nehru. His path was visible to him. No noise bored his ears.
Delhi city and the Parliament area were in tense. Congress working committee meeting was held in 9th August 1963. Kamaraj proposed his plan and resignation. The proposal asked that the experienced senior leaders in government service had to resign their posts. It was unanimously approved.
It was decided in the working committee that the state C.Ms , Ministers should submit their resignation with Nehru and whose resignation were accepted by Nehru might return to party work.
Nehru's resignation & Kamaraj's opposition:-
Nehruji tendered his resignation and announced it in working committee. Immediately all including Kamaraj opposed it.
Kamaraj told in working committee that Nehru should not resign, if he resigns the government would become unstable at that juncture and he was even ready to give up his plan if Nehru resigns.
It was welcomed by the working committee members with claps.
In the national interest the working committee did not accept Nehru's resignation. But it helped to establish the powers of working committee.
In the meeting conducted at the night of August 12th Nehruji said that he was very much wounded to accept the resignation of his good old friends when himself being in the post without resigning. But he had done it keeping in mind the problems that were to be faced by the Congress and the public of the nation and in order to see that the government could not be spoiled and also to see resolution of the working committee in victory.
In the list announced by Nehru the following C.M's names found place. M/s. Kamaraj , Patnaik , Bakshi Gulam Mohmed , C.P.Gupta , Binodananda , P.A.Mandloy . The ministers in the list from central were M/s. Morarji Desai, Lal Bahadur Sastri , S.K.Pattil , Jegajeevan Ram , B.Gopal Reddi , K.L.Mali. Nehruji said apart from the above many more central and state ministers would resign from their posts.
It was the first time in the world that the ministers resigned their posts voluntarily which made the world to wonder. Kamaraj was seen before their eyes. His plan was called as “K-PLAN".
Kamaraj informed before his resignation that all the Congress men started rounding the parliament for ministership and power. In order to divert their attention people like him had to resign from the posts under his plan.
He resigned from his post on 2nd October the birth day of Gandhiji. Then mind thought the words of Gandhiji that “So long one in the post with power, socialism will leave him “. Kamaraj thought that he was in the way of Gandhiji.
The man intention of his plan was to raise the feeling of national service and to strengthen the internal power. One of the important aims was to establish the powers of central high command and to establish unity and control in Congress.
He fulfilled these two with his plan. The resignation under “K-PLAN " revealed one should act according to the orders of Congress high command whatever the high posts they held.
On 3rd and 4th of Novemeber 1963 Jaipur Congress Conference was held under the presidency of T.Sanjeevaiah , the AICC president . In that conference the K-PLAN and its way of execution and effects were discussed for about 6 hours.
His plan gave good and wonderful results.
It gave a new enthusiasm among public and Congress workers. There was no doubt that K-PLAN had created interest and speed in Congress party.
Nehru said in that discussion as under:
" K-PLAN has made a revolution turn in the history of the nation and Congress. Kamaraj is only the right person to be the president of AICC”. It was appreciated by all.
Earlier to this on 9th October Congress working committee meeting was held at Delhi to elect the party president. Names of Kamaraj , Alutya Gosh and Lal Bhagadhur Sastri were proposed. But Nehruji liked only Kamaraj to be the president of the party. It was unanimously accepted by the working committee.
When Kamaraj meet Nehru in July 1963 to explain about his "K-PLAN” Nehru informed his decision that Kamaraj should be the next president of AICC. But Kamaraj refused it saying that he resigned his Chief Ministerhsip to work for Congress party, hence he did not want to be the president of AICC.Then Nehru did not insist him.

Nehru's wish was fulfilled after 3 months. Kamaraj was elected as AICC president. He was the 3rd Tamilian to be the president of AICC after Salem Vijayaragavachary and S.Srinivas Iyengar.
Many did not know that Congress Born in Madras state. When Diwan Bhadur Ragunatha Rao was the collector of Madras in December 1884 at his residence under the advice of A.O.Hume , a foreigner , the preliminary meeting was held. A.O.Hume was the main person for the establishment of Indian National Congress.
In the prelimanry meeting Dr.Sir Subramanya Iyer , Panapakkam Rangacharlu , Egmore Rangaiah Naidu , Surendranath Banerji , Manmohan gosh , Dadabai Narouji , Vaman Ramayan Mandlik , Kasinath Triambak Tilong and other participated.
It was resolved that every one who likes to serve of the nation truly should introduce them selves to each other and to discuss the efforts to be done in that year for the development of the nation. It was also resolved in that meeting to meet at Pune in 1885 and to invite all to that meeting.
The first Congress meeting was held at Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College, Bombay on 28th December 1885 at 12:15 noon. 72 representatives from all over India and 50 news papers reporters attended the meeting. From Madras state famous leaders and representatives of " Sudesa Mitran " and " Hindu " attended the meeting. Dadabai Nouroji invited all and gave welcome address. W.C.Banerji presided over this fist meeting. Bengal Christian and Barrister A.O.Hume proposed. Dr.Sir. Mani Iyer seconded. Banerji was the first Congress president.
Aim of Congress was those who work for the development of nation should behave friendly, without differentiation in caste, religion, creed and state should work for the nation should discuss all the problems and record the senior’s views in national interest and decide the work of patriots after the meeting of the Congress.
Founder of “Sudesa Mitran”, Tamil daily, Mr.G.Subramaniya Iyer had the opportunity of proposing this in the meeting.
This Congress got the freedom to India after sending out the British.
W.C.Banerji was the president of the Congress. His successors were George Yule , Anathachari , Dadabai Nouroji , William Wilterban , Vier , Badruddin Dayabji , P.S.Mehta , Lal Mohan Gosh , Sankara Nayar , Chandra , Anantha Mohan , Wacha , Gopala Krishna Gokale , Rash bihari Gosh , Mahalkan , S.P.Sinha , Madan Mohan Malavya, Syed Mohamed Majumdar , B.N. Dhan Basu , Dr.Anni Besant , Hasan Imam , Lala Lajbhat Rai , Abul Kalam Azad , Vijayaragavachari , Desabandu C.R.Das , Ganhiji , Sarojini Naidu , Nehruji ,Nelli Sen Gupta , Srinivasa Iyengar , Sardar Vallabai Patel , Rajendra Prasad , M.A.Ansari , Sait Rangalal , Subash Chandra Bose , Kripalani , Purushottam Das , Tandon , Pattabi Seetharamiah , U.N.Tebar , Sanjeeva Reddi and Sanjeevaiah . After all these people Kamaraj become the president of AICC.
By facing oppression and bullets it got freedom to India.
After the election of Kamaraj as AICC president the 68the conference of Congress made a history. Kamaraj went to this meeting in a special train. All the representatives of Madras state went along with him.
" Buvaneshwar Special " train departed from Madras Central Railway station at night 2'o clock on January 3rd of 1964. And reached Capital Orissa on 5th evening at 3.pm. throughout the distance of 900 miles people gathered at the in between stations showed their affections raised slogans pro Kamaraj.
At Nellore Station the district president Shankar Reddy and hundreds of Congress volunteers garlanded Kamaraj and took him tot he near by stage in the platform. There they welcomed Kamaraj and conveyed their regards. Baskets full of flowers were showered on Kamaraj.
Kamaraj plunged in the ocean of flowers and affection of the public. His speech was very short but contained lot of sense. His speech in Tamil was translated in Telugu by someone. Madras State Chief Minister Mr.Bakthavathsalam also spoke for a minute. A poor labor with soiled cloths and scattered hair came running with a garland in his hand. On seeing him Kamaraj stood there till he come and garlanded him.
After the meeting was over coffee was served to all the 700 volunteers by the party people of Andhra. At Bitrakunda station breakfast was served to all the 700 volunteers by the public of that area.
Ongole was not in reception list. But the train was stopped by the public fruits like orange , banana , were given . Lunch was served at Tenali .Reception was held before the C.M. of Andhra Sanjeeva Reddy. A minister took the responsibility of the reception and feast. Telugu people raised slogans pro-Kamaraj and Tamils pro-Sanjeeva Reddy.
At Vijayawada the reception was very grand. Kamaraj spoke in Tamil and Sanjeeva Reddy translated it in Telugu.
"17 years had passed after getting independence under the stewardship of Gandhiji. Gandhiji told on that day that only after independence people could live without parity. But even after 3 five year plans and after spending crores of Rupees poor did not get any benefits. Lot of people was suffering without food, shelter and clothes.
Where had the earned wealth and results of the plans gone? .Had they mixed in in the sea like Krishna River? Or evaporated and reached the Sky? NO. It was amassed by some group that is dangerous.
That should be distributed to all equally. The aim of Congress was to give shelter, clothes, education and equal chance to all.
It was discussed at Jaipur. That was the democratic socialistic discussion to gather the support of the public to drive a plan and to implement this that Bhuvaneswar trip." This was the 5 minutes speech of Kamaraj at Vijayawada.
After the meeting Kamaraj was taken in a procession in a jeep to the railway station.
At Eluru a girl garlanded Kamaraj cashew nuts were given in large quantity . After Tiffin train went to Niditavole. Later the train did not stop at Pasuvatanam , Kovoor and Godavari. But people gathered enroute came running behind the train.
At Rajmundry Kamaraj and Bakthavathsalam spoke in the meeting. It was presided by Andhra State Congress Committee president Pottipattu Brahmaiah . There a welcome address was read in Tamil.
Train stopped at Thuvarakudi for supper. Veg and Non-Veg items were served to all the 700 volunteers. 17 Thousand People attended the meeting oraganised by the panchayat union. Speech of Kamaraj and Bakthavathsalam were translated in Telugu by Sanjeeva Reddy.
On the 5th morning the train reached Srikakulam , hot water for bath and break fast were ready for all.
After Palasa's meeting the train stopped at Berhampur of Orissa. Lunch was served at 11 am. Later, the train without stopping anywhere reached Bhuvaneshwar at 3pm.
The former C.M. of Orissa and the reception committee chairman Mr.Patnaik , Orissa's C.M. Pren Mithra , Orissa's Congress president Bejanpani and Lal Bhagadhur Sastri received Kamaraj . To denote the 68th meeting rifles were shot for 68 times.
Lakhs of people gathered at the ground before the railway station to see Kamaraj. Leaders Kamaraj, Patnaik and Prem Mithra were taken in procession in an open car. 1500 volunteers marched behind the car. 2 lakhs people went behind them, the procession of INC leader started.
Before the procession went, the Orchestra, the Orissa's famous traditional dance march. The procession reached Gobandh Nagar at 5.30 pm after crossing a distance of 3 miles. Kamaraj garlanded Thyagi Late Uthkalmani Gobandh's statue and paid homage to him. Later the procession reached the conference stage.
Two lakhs people shouted slogans of pro-Kamaraj . There was no such huge gathering to any other Congress committee the president after independence. Because of Kamaraj the Tamils had raised their heads on that day. Kamaraj conducted the conference of 78 year old Congress committee by sitting in its seat.
He delivered his speech on 9th January at 5pm. amidst lakhs of volunteers to eradicate the poverty of 45 crores of Indians,. It was the place where emperor Ashoka fought with his warriors against Kalinga's empire's lakhs of soldiers 2500 years ago to establish Magada Empire. It was the place where emperor Ashoka decided not to fight and preach peace. Two lakhs people heard his speech.
His speech at the conference was as under:
“You have given me the responsibility to administer the INC by electing me to this highest post unanimously you have exposed your affection towards me. I expect your full co-operation and enthusiastic support to execute my duty to the entire satisfaction of you all ".
His speech had explained in a way about the steps to be taken to fight against economical conditions after paying homage to the departed freedom fighters and the soldiers who lost their lives in Indo-China war.
“There are certain items in our economical conditions which worries us. I point out at first that massing of wealth with certain people. So there is monopoly in some trade. Tax evasion, black marketing of scare products. No honesty in trade, no regularity in trade. It is essential to take proper steps in this matter”.
He also explained the procedures to be followed, “Since our aim is socialism we have to stop amassing of wealth with certain people. And its hereditary continuance. If we allow this it will be hurdle for our development. At the end the rich will be richer.
“We have to see now whether the present laws and administration will fulfill our socialistic aims. INC should examine the developments in each state. Government should take action to stop monopoly and also they are to be examined. We have to develop new areas and start new industries. Districts should give free education upto secondary school education gradually."
To Form Nava India:-
“When Congress has come to a decision it is the sacred duty of every Congress worker to abide himself and act accordingly. After a policy decision different types of laths and blaming each other confuses the public. So we have to join together and work with control in the national development scheme. "
“We had the opportunity to work under Mahatma Gandhi earlier. Since we are the followers of Gandhiji, we, Congress people have to adopt the principles of our aim with control. People expect best activity only from Congress than other parties. so i humbly request you all to follow the path of Gandhi in our day to day life. In the best characters of Gandhi only two are most important. They are simplicity and service to human. Let us form our NAVA INDIA, which is our dream, with these two simple tools. "
Thus he conducted his speech. G.Rajagopalan was his assistant. When Kamaraj was the AICC president. After 6th Nehru did not participate in the conference as he was ill. The conference was held from 5th to 7pm of 10th. Later only the ground was thin. The volunteers spread over the country to fight against poverty.
Specialty Of Bhuvaneshwar:
The decision taken at the Bhuvaneshwar Congress was the turning point in the history of Indian Country, Congress conference and Socialism.
Though the Congress accepted socialistic society it strongly decided that the democratic socialism was its aim and it added this first and in its basic principles.
Apart from this following were the important points:
1. After a long time a Tamilan became the Congress president.
2. The speech in Tamil at his first conference which was never before in the history of Congress.
3. The man who was whole heartedly accepted by all as the president of Congress after Nehru.
4. Though Nehru was not there about 400 members attended the conference and participated in discussion with attention and responsibility.
After becoming the president of AICC he went on tour throughout the country. He was called as “KALA GANDHI (BLACK GANDHI) by the public. He went to Punjab, Nepal Border, Orissa, U.P, Andhra and Mysore under tight schedule. He went on tour in Madras state for 18 days in May 1956. It was called as “SAMADHARMA YATHRA “by the people of Madras state.
At that tour he gave an announcement which he had not before.
He said that it was final struggle to for a socialistic pattern of society and he was ready to struggle for it. And for this he wanted the full support of the public and he asked for it. Lakhs of people were ready to co-operate with him.
He covered 300 places in 18 days. Went over 2000 miles and met 1 crore people. He at 5 large meetings and 15 small meeting sat 20 to 30 places in a day.
In all the meetings he explained about the principles of socialism in general. Then he explained about the enemies for it and how to face them etc.
Facts of his explanations were:
“Some are shouting to fulfill the Nehru's promise in language problem. Likewise if a poor asks to fulfill the Nehru's promise on socialism have to support him or not? Why these people are opposing it? They want eh promise of Nehru only in language problem and not for other ".
In total he explained about “SAMADHARMA “in Tamil to the public in his tour of 18 days.

rally impressive......kamarajar namam valga
Only Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu cared about Nation and people.Now in his place opportunistic vulture and blood suckers are ruling who only cares about their bank balance.
Only Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu cared about Nation and people.Now in his place opportunistic vulture and blood suckers are ruling who only cares about their bank balance.
Kamarajar Life History in Tamil
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