India was ruled by the British over 200 years. A decision was taken in 1929 at the conference held at Lahore under the presidency of Nehru for complete independent rule. Gandhiji proposed this. Peoples suffered lot they died due to shooting and death sentences. At last at the midnight of 14th August 1947 ie. the early morning of 15th August a complete independence was given.
This was celebrated at Delhi. Kamaraj overwhelmed with joy.
15th August is a golden day in Indian history. On that day the Union flag of British in all the government buildings were down hoisted and the TRICOLOUR Indian flag was hoisted.
Nehruji released a message to public of the nation on that day “Today our thoughts are going to the Father of the Nation who is the architect of freedom. He drove away the darkness surrounded us with the light of independence”.
That day was celebrated throughout the nation.
Nation got independence. Kamaraj explained the reason there for as under: -
“Gandhiji sacrificed and devoted his life for the service of the public. He got independence through Ahimsa. He conducted the freedom fight in the path of truth. His life itself is a Test of Truth”
"He gathered all the Indians. Prior to Gandhiji's entry in the politics people were poor , innocent and were afraid to express their views and thought , and simply walking like a corpse. Gandhiji realised this, he echoed their feelings. People identified their guide. They marched in his path, which is why nation got independence ".
“We got lot of advantages from him. He made us brave; he insisted self confidence in public and private life. He not only advised this to public but also adopted in his life. He was role model"
“His ambition of independence attained during his life itself"
“Crores of people of this nation have lively hood, no food, cloth, shelter, education, job and money. This has got to be changed. These poverty stickers should live like others. All should live with unity. There should not be difference in cast and creed. These were his aims".
“All should be equal not only in life status but also in social status. Only for this Gandhiji wanted independence ".
Kamaraj lived upto his last breath for Gandhism .He lived as his last heir. He worked for downtrodden. Every year 15th August is celebrated as independence day . In 1950 26th January India was declared as a Democratic Republic Country.
Kamaraj engaged himself vigorously in the service of nation and fight for freedom upto the end. But Rajaji left at last stage. Equal rights were given to freedom fighters and those served for British. Any one can come to power. No special rights were given to Congress people who to jail in freedom fight.
The right given for freedom fighters is equally given to those opposed freedom.
Kamaraj who fought for freedom had a vote. The traitor too got the same vote. This is our Democracy.
In 1948 election for AICC presidentship was conducted. Strong contest was there. Pattabi Seetharamiah and Tandan contested for the post of president. Tandan used to criticised the ministry of Nehru and its policies. Tandan openly criticised the policies of the ministry headed by Nehru.
The contest of Tandan in the election created fear in the minds of many. If Tandan was elected as a president Nehru may resign from the post of Prime Minister. So Kamaraj wished to support Pattabi Seetharamiah . Tandan was supported by many in Andhra. As Madras Congress gave a vast support, Pattabi Seetharamiah won in the election. Kamaraj was the reason for this. But Patel supported Tandan.
At a later date when Patel met Kamaraj they were talking about affairs of the nation. It turned towards the election of Congres presidentship . As Patel supported Tandan at that time he asked Kamaraj whether he had any difference of opinion. Kamaraj said he had none since 1946 after Rajaji's affairs. He could do nothing when Madras P.C.C. liked to elect Seetharamiah. But Patel knew well that Pattabi Seetharamaiah won only because of Kamaraj.
In 1948 Tamil State Conference was held at Coimbatore. Kamaraj presided the conference. The Conference was held in every district too. Kamaraj presided everywhere.
Election for P.C.C President was held on June 13th of the same year. Kamaraj was elected unanimously.
January 30th of 1948 a Friday, the time was evening 5.00. Since Patel was addressing the gathering Gandhiji was late by 10 minutes to the prayer meeting. Gandhiji went along with his grand daughters Aba Gandhi and Manu Gandhi.
All got up and gave way to Gandhiji. All on a sudden one man jumped towards Gandhiji and pushed him. The book and the 'Jaba Mala' fell down from Gandhiji's hands. Immediately he shot down Gandhiji with a pistol. 3 bullets parsed Gandhiji's chest and straight away in the heart. Due to severe bleeding Gandhiji died on the spot. Before dying he said “Hay Ram “twice, the time was 5.17 pm.
Nehru came in running. He sat down near Gandhiji. He cried, the whole nation cried. Kamaraj got a severe shock. The nation became an orphan.
When Kamaraj opened a park at Arcot for children, this news of assassination of Gandhiji came. Kamaraj was weeping. He refused his food. Tears flooded from his eyes. All were stashing Kamaraj.
Kamaraj immediately asked the people not to create religious violence and to work for the welfare of the society with strong will-power. Kamaraj shed tears for the first time in his life.
Election to elect the party leader for assembly conducted in 1949. Groups of Rajaji and Prakasam joined together. They proposed Dr.Subbarayan. The relationship between Kamaraj and Ramasamy Reddiar was not good at that time. Most of Kamaraj's group did not like Ramasami Reddiar. They felt Ramasamy Reddiar may loose if contested. They wanted to propose Bakthavathsalam. Information was given to Ramasamy Reddiar.
Kumarasami Raja, T.S. Chockalingam and C.Subramanian went to Ramasami Raja as representatives of Kamaraj informed the proposal about Bakthavathsalam. Ramasamy Reddiar did not accept it next day he laid a condition. If Kumarasami Raja was proposed instead of Bakthavathsalam he was ready to withdraw. This information was given to Kamaraj by Chockalingam. M/s Chockalingam and C.Subramanian were sent to Kumarasami Raja who was admitted in a hospital for treatment.
Kumarasami Raja was conveyed the latest development. He never expected. He saw duty oriented Kamaraj before his eyes.
At last he accepted to the desire of Kamaraj.
The opposite group of Rajaji and Prakasam never expected this turning point. Kumarasamy Raja easily won in the election as the groups of Ramasamy Reddiar and Kamaraj joined together keeping aside their ill feelings and worked for the victory of Kumarasamy Raja.

Kamaraj used to go to Delhi now and then and met Rajaji at Delhi whenever he went. In 1950 he went to Delhi. As usual he met Rajaji. Talk regarding . During the course of talk Kamaraj informed that 29th August was fixed as date of election for P.C.C. President.
Rajaji wanted C.P.Subbiah to be elected. Kamaraj said he had no objection. Rajaji informed the same to C.P.Subbiah. C.P.Subbiah involved himself in the election work. He canvassed for himself and requested the co-operation of all. This was informed to Kamaraj by his group. Kamaraj said nothing. But his people wanted him to be elected. In the last minute Kamaraj accepted to contest. Kamaraj won this election with 155 votes. C.P.Subbiah lost it by only getting 99 votes. Kamaraj was elected again as P.C.C. President.
In 1950 Congress conference was held at Nasik. Election for AICC President conducted. It was a Triangular contest. Purushotham Das Tandon, Acharya Kripalani and Sankararao Dev contested. It was a severe contest.
Poll began, Tandon won by a margin of 214 votes. Tandon criticized the ministry of Nehruji. He never co-operated with Nehru. Tandon formed a working committee which Nehru did not like. He asked Tandon to reform it. Tandon refused then Nehru resigned from the working committee.
All could understand only then why Kamaraj did not support Tandon 1948 election and supported Pattabi Seetharamiah . They appreciated his foresight.
A power fight started between Nehru and Tandon . Working committee meeting was held in 8th September 1951. Kamaraj supported Nehru who was called as the heir of Gandhiji by Gandhiji himself. He personally worked in the field. He started collecting supports for Nehru in Madras State. Then he collected supports in Kerala and Andhra.
It made uproar and shocked Tandon.
He thought Kamaraj could get the things done. He thought Kamaraj reduced his power in Congress and increased Nehru's. Hence he resigned his post before the conference.
In his resignation he said that Nehru wanted a change in the working committee. Informed the reasons therefore. But the reasons did not have any evidence.
Tandon's resignation was accepted by AICC in its conference held in September 8th. Nehru was elected as the President of AICC.The support of Kamaraj helped in general election too.
Counselor of Sathyamoorthy:-
In 1935 the Congress conference held in Lakshmanapuri , Nehruji presided the conference. During that period Kamaraj was the Secretary in P.C.C. and Sathyamoorthy as President. Kamaraj felt that he was not fit to be the Secretary. When he informed the same to Sathymoothy . Sathyamoorthy said if Kamaraj was not fit enough to be the Secretary he too could not continue as president, since he was also not fit for that post.
Kamaraj did not go to the conference of Congress. Even when he was invited by the friends. He never used to go saying that he had a lot of work to be done at the state level and it was his duty.
Central Cabinet meeting was held at Delhi. When Sathyamoorthy was there Kamaraj went to Delhi. His arrival made Sathyamoorthy happy. He introduced Kamaraj to his colleagues. He told them Kamaraj was an outstanding Congress worker in Madras state. He was not only a colleague of him but also a counselor.

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