Kamaraj made a social revolution in allotting the portfolios to the ministers. He gave Hindu Endowment to Harijan minister Parameswaran . Also PROHIBITION was given to him. Whether he did it wantedly or not , this made trustees of the temples to reaper a Harijan , this made Kamaraj a morning star among Harijans.
Kamaraj & Files:-
Kamaraj proved himself as Chief of all the C.Ms in India. He was the first C.M. who was in the post for a long period of 9 years. ie. From 1954 to 1963 unless he resigned the post voluntarily he would have continued to be the C.M
He did his duty boldly and patiently without discourage. He listened the views of the opposite parties. He easily solved the political problems.
He attracted every one to his side. He listened others without himself speaking. He never concentrated on his food or dress.
He honored the news reporters,. He affectionately moved with photographers. He never angered with anyone. Replied letters immediately. Listened the grievances and solved them immediately. He gave more data. Understood the problems easily and keenly studied the files. He did not like luxury, flattering and advertisement. He was very simple . He never uttered harsh words. Because of these habits he ornamented the C.M's post . It would not be an exaggeration that the post got honored through him.
The words of W.R.S.Sathyanathan who was a high official were the evidence of the administration of Kamaraj. He served as Chief Secretary to the state under Kamaraj. He said that Kamaraj's efficiency made him to respect him. Kamaraj was fast and clean in finalizing the things. He could judge people in a lightning speed who came to meet him.
He could solve even a sophisticated big problem within seconds. He approaches the problem directly.
Judgment would be very clean. He detected the problems in an astonishing way. He used to read the files kept for his advice completely, and then only he used to decide.
There was no village in our state which his feet never touched. Whatever the place whether Mountain area or river side he could explain with evidences about the climate of that region.
Let me See:-
Kamaraj said," I never said that i studied in any University. I know geography. I know almost all the places in Madras state. I know where the lakes are. I know how people are living by doing what business. Suppose if these are not called as geography and only the books that have straight and curved lines are called geography, i don't want to learn that at all." . He knew inch by inch the mind of the people and the day to day affair of the state.
Eastern shore at Ramnad was affected by heavy storm and rain in 1955. Kamaraj went to Paramakudi for rescue operation to save the public. He made lightning tour in the affected area. Because of this the relief work was in speed. He went places in poring rain. A bridge on a canal was washed away. He crossed the canal with a rope and went to Ramnad. Seeing the C.M. crossing the canal in chest deep water a revenue board member too tried to cross. But he had fever on the next day and was admitted in the hospital. But Kamaraj went out on the early morning to visit the affected area.
Whenever he returns from the tour he had new plans. All those were only for poor . He knew the mentality of people right from the district collector to the lowest grade government servant.
He increased the salary of elementary school teachers. He felicitated FREE education to their children. He gave concession to the children of government servants in school fees. Free education was given to the children of those who had an income of less than 100 rupees. An act was passed that no individual should have more than 30 acres of land. He brought Farmer's Act. The act insisted that the landowners should not change the farmers.
A state development committee was formed; all the ministers and secretaries of the government were in the committee. The meetings of this committee helped to improve the economic condition and to review the new schemes.
Kamaraj oppose the formation of Dakshin Pradesh. The present New Tamilnadu was formed in 1956. If a patriot like Kamaraj had not been the C.M. of Tamilnad today new Tamilnadu would not have been formed.
Kamaraj decided Tamil should be the language in government work.
He felicitated the old age pension for the orphaned elders without any political partialities in caste, religion, language he gave concession in education to the poor students. Only in his government Mid-Day-Meal Scheme was introduced to students.
He occupied the house bearing Door No.8 at Thirumalai Pillai road, T.Nagar, Chennai. When he was the Chief Minister, though the police security was there to his house there was no strict procedures .Not less than 50 people met him daily. The number may go up to 100 to 200 at times.
Different type of people like Freedom fighters for help, Parents asking for recommendation for admission in Medical / Engineering College seats, complaints in local officials, asking seats for ensuing election, people asking him to preside meetings, to ask him to inaugurate the building etc., met him daily.
His regular answer to them was “Let Me See". Suppose if he felt that were impossible he never hesitated to say “No”, even if they are his closest.
Beauty & Food:-
Once the Central government wrote a letter to the state Chief Minister regarding the expansion scheme of Madras Port. The Chief Minister replied to the central government regarding expanding the sea shore near Rayapuram , since the sea shore opposite to Fort if expanded may spoil the appearance . Again wrote to the State government the expansion at Rayapuram was impossible as it was rocky area. Whether the state government needs food or beauty.
Immediately Kamaraj wrote to central he wanted on bread not beauty. The result of that is the existing expanded port of to-day.
He took impartial decisions when problems arose. Even opposite party people cannot raise their finger towards him saying that he showed partiality to his party people.
Though he was the Chief Minister he never interfered in the affairs of other ministers. This trend earned a good name to his ministry.
His rule was an example to other States. President Rajendra Prasad once said, under the govern of Kamaraj Madras state had developed in all the wings. He also said that other states should follow the governing principles of Madras State.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said that there was no scam in daily routines and in implementation of schemes.
The Central Planning Minister Mr.Naidu said that Madras State was the only state which fully utilised the subsidy of the central government..
Social Welfare Minister Mr.K.C.Day said that Madras State was ahead of all other States in elementary education & rural electricity.
Central Deputy Minister Mr.Krishnappa said that Madras State was self-sufficient in food production.
When Kamaraj was the Chief Minister in 1954 he arranged to give Rs120/- per month to his mother. This amount was not sufficient for her. Because she had so many visitors and she had to offer them some drinks. Hence she asked Kamaraj through a known person to both to arrange for a sum of Rs 150/- per month. For this Kamaraj refused saying that drinks to visitors need not be offered and further more if his mother had surplus money she would go on pilgrimage, which was not advisable in her old age.
Marriage to his nephew Jawahar was fixed. Kamaraj's mother wanted a lavatory to be constructed at the house.
This proposal was taken to Kamaraj. He refused for this also saying, if a land for construction was bought public may think that he bought a bungalow. Even it may appear in newspapers. Finally he accepted to buy land for construction of lavatory.
On 9th October of 1961 Nehruji unveiled the statue of Kamaraj. The mayor of Madras who presided the function said that Kamaraj was unselfish leader, a symbol of sacrifice and lighted the education in hearts of people.
Nehurji who unveiled the statute said “A Real Example for a true leader, hailed from the public, a leader who has a capability to complete the responsibility he has taken. I unveil the statute of the leader who forgets himself when he serves the public. I don't like to install statutes for the persons who are alive. I strongly believe to pay homage only after death. But, Kamaraj being a friend of mine and as he hailed from the public i accept to unveil his statute."
On 1927 when Nehruji came to Madras he resided at the residence of Sathyamoorthy . Due to tiredness he tried to sleep in the night but could not. A loud noise disturbed him. Nehruji who lost the patience tried to find out the cause for the noise. At last he found that the noise came from the Varanda of that house. He saw a youth was sleeping with heavy shore. He got angry. He asked Sathyamoorthy to drive the lad out of Madras or to shift his bed to the sea-shore. That youth who disturbed the sleep of Nehru with his heavy snoring was Kamaraj whose statute was unveiled by Nehru in latter days.
During British regime the education was only 7 percent. But in Kamaraj's period it was 37%. During Rajaji's period there were 12000 schools in the state.Whereas it was 27000 in the period of Kamaraj. Power supply in all the villages, industrial growth were in the period of Kamaraj.
Tamils compared the education to our eyes. Hence Tamilians were considered as genius. Kamaraj who hailed from this group made a revolution in education.
He removed the system of communal education started by Rajaji. He ordered to re-open the 6000 elementary schools closed by Rajaji. Moreover he opened 14000 new schools.
During first plan schools which were 21500 in number had gone upto 26750 during 2nd plan which crossed over 30,000 later. Likewise the admission of students also went up gradually from 25 lakhs to 33.8 and to 46.1 lakhs. During 3rd plan it was decided to admit 14 lakhs more students.

There was the situation that the construction of schools, serving mid-day meals, appointing teachers were the duties of the government. Kamaraj wanted to change this and started a great revolutionary plan.
Because of that plan every individual realised to think the education was his responsibility. That was the plan for growth of schools. Conference was conducted and donations were collected from public. About four crores of rupees were donated by public. Poor students were given free books and slates. Lakhs of poor students were benefited.
A scheme for giving free uniform to poor children were organised and implemented. Kamaraj wanted to avoid the partiality between the poor and the rich students. Result was free uniform scheme. This stopped the inferiority complex among the students.
Kamaraj wanted to give free education to all the students. He decided to give free education up to eleventh standard to all the poor students in the year 1960. The annual income of the parents of those students who get the concession should be less than 1200/- . He modified this order in 1962-63. Children of the parents whose income was Rs 1500/- per annum could also get free education upto 11th Std., Apart from this order were issued that children of N.G.O's employees of Panchayat Unions may also get free education upto High School education.
To avoid illiteracy he formed compulsory primary education. He formed committee to make propaganda in villages about the importance of education.
Though compulsory and free educations were there was no proper response. Kamaraj seriously thought the reasons, therefore he meet the villagers and discussed with them. Found out the reason. He arrived at a solution.
How can a parent who is lean bodied due to poverty, powerless eyes, scattered hair without oil and who struggles for at least one time food send his ward to the school. He will send his children to schools at least if they get one time food. Immediately Kamaraj arranged for this. Free Mid-Day-Meal Scheme made lakhs of students to come to school. Countries all over the world praised this. Nehruji was much pleased.
The Mid-Day-Meal Scheme properly started in 1956. Over 14 lakhs students were benefited. This scheme got help from CARE OF USA in 1961-62. Milk powder, corn flour and re-fined vegetable oils were sent free of costs to schools from CARE.
Kamaraj who was deeply worried about the growth of education decided to induce the interest of public. The government took responsibility to govern, fulfill the schemes for the growth of education. These were intensified during Kamaraj's period only. But public did not show their interest and direct involvement.
Right from 1956-57 free education was given to the children of elementary school teacher, police constables, head constables and the lower grade employees of government. It came to know in the next year that only 17% of students were not getting free education. To compensate this scheme for free education to all was announced in 1962.
The revolutionary schemes and the services of Kamaraj in educational side attracted the public. Because of that there are no villages in the state without elementary schools. A high school for every 5 miles distance with modern amenities was constructed.
Apart from increasing number of schools steps were taken to improve standard of education also. To improve the standard number of working day were increased from 180 to 200. Unnecessary holidays were reduced. Syllabus was prepared to give opportunity to various abilities.
Two session classes were started. 45 multipurpose schools were started. In the second plan 191 multipurpose schools came up. 286 double session schools were opened. Laborites with modern facilities and librarians were made available.
Salaries of the teachers were increased in order to improve there standard of teaching and to kindle their interest in teaching.
Kamaraj introduced a scheme providing pension, provident fund and compulsory insurance to teacher which were not their so far.
Kamaraj had introduced this scheme for the first time in India. Along with this he introduced family pension scheme also to the teacher.
Scheme was also introduced to provide quarters to the teacher of village schools. Rs 25/- lakhs were allotted to this scheme. Construction of 750 houses was planned.
He also arranged to give interest free loans to the poor students of medical college, engineering college and agricultural college. This has improved in admission of Engg. College and Medical College in every year. Facility to train nurses in hospitals were also increased. Number of Arts colleges was increased in the period of Kamaraj. 2 P.T. Colleges, 10 Teacher training colleges and 39 Teacher training schools were opened in his period.
His government made arrangement to open one more university in his period.
Major irrigation schemes were planned in Kamaraj's period. Lower Bhavani, Mani Muthuar , Cauvery Delta , Aarani River , Vaigai Dam , Amravathi , Sathanur , Krishnagiri , Pullambadi , Parambikulam and Neyaru Dams were among them . The Lower Bhavani Dam in Coimbatore district was constructed with an expenditure of Rs 10/- Crores. 2, 07,000 acres of land are under cultivation.
45,000 acres of land are benefited through Mettur canal of Salem. Another scheme was Krishnagiri in the same district. Vaigai , Sathanur facilitate to cultivate thousands of acres of lands in Madurai and North Arcot districts respectively. Rs 30 crores were planned to spend for Parambikulam River scheme in Kamaraj's period. This has helped for the development of Coimbatore district in agriculture field.
Small Irrigation Schemes:-
In 1957-61 1,628 Tanks were de-silted under Small Irrigation Scheme 2000 wells were digged with outlets. Long term loans with 25% subsidy were given to farmers. Apart from formers who are having dry lands were given oil engines, electric pump sets on installment basis.
150 lakhs of acres of lands were cultivated during Kamaraj's period. One third of this i.e. 56 lakhs of acres of land get permanent watering facility.
Industrial Development:-
Industries with an investment in crores of Rupees were started in his period. Neyveli Lignite Scheme, Raw photo film industry at Nilgri , Surgical instruments factory at Guindy , Sugar factories , Bi-Carbonates factories , Cement factories , Railway coach factory at Avadi , Mettur paper industry , were started only in the period of Kamaraj. These are the back-bone of the development of the nation.
Madras state stood first in India in providing electricity to rural areas.
13,300 villages were give electricity during 1955 - 61. Using electric power for agriculture purpose Madras state stands first.
Expense to improve electricity at Madras in 1959 was Rs.2.71 crores. Hydro power station at Periyar was constructed at an expenditure of Rs.9 crores. 1 lakh K.W. of electricity produced under this scheme.
Kunda Dam project was constructed at an expenditure of Rs 3.5 crores. Nehruji inaugurated this project. It was completed in a very short period by over engineers who made foreigners to wonder. In 1958-59 the investment in electricity connection was 95 crores and the income increased to Rs 12 crores.
Avadi Congress Conference was held in 20th January 1956. It was 6th Conference. Kamaraj constructed a city and named it as Sathyamoorthy nagar.
Kamaraj told to Mr.S.S.Vasan who took the responsibility of decoration that it was not important one to say that he had not seen such a decoration there before, but it was important that one to say that he had not seen such a beautiful conference even after 25 years.
Nehruji appreciated the decoration. Nehruji unveiled the statue of Sathyamoorthy. The Avadi Congress had increased the prestige of Southern people in Northern part of India.
People donated food grains for the meals. Kamaraj's mother came to Avadi Conference from Virudhunagar. Nehruji took photograph with his mother. In memory of Srinivasa Iyengar the AICC president his daughter Ambuja Ammal was nominated as the leader of reception committee.
News papers wrote that Kamaraj was the main reason for the unforgettable Avadi Conference in the history of Congress.
Moulana Azad proposed to form a society of equality in the action committee meeting. Kamaraj seconded the proposal. In the conference when all participated Nehru proposed this and Kamaraj seconded.
Kamaraj said “Only hard labor will save people. Wealth should not be massed with one group. No violence is necessary to form equality in society. It is also not desirable. Gandhiji got the freedom in a peaceful way. Let us form this society in the same way.
When Nehru came to Madras in 1936 Kamaraj joined with him in the tour. Since 1949 he attended the AICC meeting. Avadi Congress conference was a turning point to Kamaraj.

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