There was a resolution at the end of the meeting. In that it was resolved to consult Kamaraj and Ramasamy Reddiar to find way for unity. According to the resolution Chockalingam and others approached Kamaraj first. Kamaraj told them that he was ready to anything for unity. He was prepared to forego even 50% seats in parliamentary committee.
Then they met Ramasamy Reddiar .
He laid two conditions.
1. Due to failure in monsoon people are poverty strikes. Government should arrange for their food.
2. Land laze should be waived to the dried lands.
These two were to be carried out only by the Government. The then ministry of Kumarasami Raja failed to do this immediately. Hence Ramasami Reddiar did not co-operate.
In 1952 election Congress could not get majority. In 30th April 1952 election for P.C.C. presidentship was conducted . Rajaji supported Kumarasami Raja and Kamaraj supported Dr.Subbarayan..As Kamaraj desired Dr.Subbarayan was elected as the president of P.C.C. Though Dr.Subbarayan was elected as president Kamaraj did all the work for Congress with efforts.
Majority of members wanted to form the ministry with person won in the election independently . Kamaraj neither encouraged this nor supported.
Kumarasami Raja was defeated in this election.
Who should be brought as the next Chief Minister? This was the general talk. Rajaji's name was proposed. Kamaraj too wished for it. Immediately he and Sanjeeva Reddy met Rajaji and asked him to be the Chief Minister for Congress party in assembly.
The working committee meeting was held at Calcutta. In that it was resolved to form the ministry by Congress Party at Madras.
In March 29th of 1952 Congress Committee meeting of assembly was held. To invite Rajaji as leader of the assembly was resolved. A group member met Rajaji and informed the resolution.
But Rajaji wanted them to consult Nehruji. So two of them met Nehruji.
But Nehru informed them it was the duty of the party to select its leader and he was ready to accept the same. But he also insisted that the leaders should be the member of the assembly. Suppose if a non-member is selected as leader he should contest in the election immediately and win.
On 31st March 1952 assembly meeting started. Kamaraj proposed the name of Rajaji as leader of the assembly. Sanjeeva Reddy, Sheddy and Kuttyammalu Ammal seconded the same. Selection of Rajaji as leader of the assembly was resolved. Meanwhile Rajaji was appointed as a legislative council member by the Governor based on the recommendation of Kumarasami Raja. Kamaraj did not know this before he proposed Rajaji's name.
Kamaraj felt for this. Later Rajaji formed the ministry after elected as the leader of Congress in assembly.
In 1952 26th December election for P.C.C. president was conducted. Rajaji wanted Bakthavathsalam to be elected... But Kamaraj informed that he was going to contest. Rajaji did not come to the meeting. Kamaraj's name was proposed. Since no one contested Kamaraj was elected unanimously.
If you have courage shoot:-
In Madras state since 1940 Kamaraj grew up as a big power. Only after 1940 clash between Rajaji and Kamaraj was more even there was clash between them .
Kamaraj never failed to meet and consult with Rajaji. He was even talking frankly with his group. He never got angry during that time.
There was a revolution in Madras state. Kamaraj was the total figure of that revolution. People those who wanted the changes expressed their desire through Kamaraj . The poor treated Kamaraj as one among them. They felt that they had close relationship with Kamaraj.
Courage has born with him. The changes that happened since Kamaraj was elected as P.C.C. president in 1940 and its repercussions made him as Chief Minister and a iron man who could decide the fate of India.
Kamaraj could not speak in a riming language and never speaks always. But he attracted people with his speech and cover them to his side.
In 1949 when he was addressing a meeting at Friday there was a bustle in the meeting and the opposite threw tiny grade type crackers towards the stage. Then Kamaraj opened his shirt and showed his chest to them and challenged to shoot him if they have courage.
Also he said Gandhiji was shot by Gotche he became immortal. He also quoted Dasaratha from the epic of Ramayana as example. On seeing the boldness of Kamaraj the people alluded the meeting upto the end.
Gandhi in North - Kamaraj in South: -
The situation had come in Madras state as Kamaraj means Congress and Congress means Kamaraj since 1940. No political events without Kamaraj had happened after that. In 1920 Gandhiji conducted the meeting in Indian Civil Dress at North. People used to say Gandhi for North and Kamaraj for South.
He never involved himself in arguments. But he was talented in rebutting the arguments. He used to suppress his feelings. He never showed them in his face. No one can understand anything from his facial expressions. He could judge people and their mentality well. This was the secret of his victory.
Rajaji did things suddenly without thinking. But Kamaraj never did like that.
From 1931 onwards he involved himself in the affairs of AICC. He was a member in both AICC and PCC. In 1949 he was elected as a member in the working committee of AICC
He went to Ceylon in 1949 and in 1953 on the invitation of Ceylon Government. He toured Malaysia in February 1954. There was a warm welcome wherever he went.
After taking charge Rajaji made two announcements. One that the Congress should be dissolved since there was no necessity for it as we got independence , next to that free lands should not be given to freedom fighters. Those who got the free lands should return them to the government.
Those two announcements made uproar among the freedom fighters.
The words of Brahmin and Non-Brahmins created difference of opinion among the public. Rajaji introduced a new education al system called “Communal Educational System “.
He announced this without consulting the educational minister. This had lot criticism. He informed that he introduced this system to educate the traditional job of each community. All opposed this. Rajaji was questioned whether he was right to introduce such a system without consulting the education minister and the Congress party. He quoted Sankaran and Ramanujan for this.
Rajaji came to Madurai to open a building at T.V.S. C.P.Ramasami Iyer came to this function. In that function Rajaji commented that Brahmin was doing the motoring job which had to be done by a Non-Brahmin. It vehemented Kamaraj. Rajaji also praised T.V.Sundaram Iyengar for handing over the trade to his sons.
Next Kamaraj rose to address. He quoted the speech of Rajaji in handing over the trade by T.V.Sundaram Iyengar to his sons. He said that was also applicable in the case of politics. Thus he expressed his views about Rajaji's ministry. It was appreciated by all. The scheme of Communal education created a heated argument in the assembly. Kamaraj accepted to postpone the issue without sending it for voting. His silence in this issue made the party men and public angry. People understood his political tactics.
When Andhra was bifurcated there was riot for new election for Madras State. Rajaji wanted to hold a party meeting in September 1953 to know whether to continue as a party leader. The next day he released a message stating that he wanted to organize the meeting under the impression that Kamaraj did not like his leadership. But after a talk with Kamaraj he came to know that Kamaraj was not having such a opinion hence the meeting would be cancelled. To form a bad impression and bad image upon Kamaraj , Rajaji cunningly behaved liked that.
There were 9 ministers after Andhra was bifurcated in Rajaji's ministry. He consulted Kamaraj in appointing new ministers. Kamaraj opposed this. But Rajaji increased the ministry by 12 from 9.
Opposition party wanted to move a No-Confidence Motion against Rajaji. They collected Signatures from the members. Rajaji too gathered for his supports. But majority was on the other side.
On seeing the emergent situation the party high command invited both Rajaji and Kamaraj to Delhi. They had discussions with Rajaji and Kamaraj. Then Nehru announced that Rajaji to continue.
On seeing the Nehru's announcement T.G.Krishnamoorthy , Panchatcharam Chettiar and A.M.Sambandam went to Delhi and met Nehru. Explained him the actual situation in Madras state. On hearing this Nehru said that Tamils had rights to decide their Government. This put Rajaji again in a tight corner.
Congress party assembled again in 6th May 1954. Rajaji was prepared to resign. But Kamaraj postponed the voting against “Communal Education Scheme".
Rajaji consulted Bakthavathsalam before his resignation. Bakthavathsalam said the only way to solve the problem was to have a talk with Kamaraj. Because Kamaraj never cares anyone's recommendations. He never went for obligations with any minister. He had no personal feelings on any ministry. He told only the facts. Anyone would accept his words. So meeting Kamaraj explains the matter and clearing his doubts was only the way.
Dr.Vardarajulu Naidu, V.K.Ramasamy Mudaliar , Kochalram , T.G.Krishnamoorthy , Panchatcharam Chettiar , A.M.Sambandam were the members who opposed the Communal Education Scheme and the ministry of Rajaji. Rajaji threatened Vardarajulu Naidu by taking disciplinary action.
Unpleasant incidents would have occurred if three member crew did not meet Nehru and explains him the situation.
High command did not give its opinion on Rajaji tendering resignation .It ordered to conduct election.
Due to ill-health who did not attend the assembly on 25th March 1954 Rajaji suddenly came to assembly.
He tendered his resignation showing his ill-health as a cause. Rajaji and Kamaraj met and had a talk in the assembly before a meeting was conducted.
Rajaji expressed his view of appointing one of the existing ministers for a period of 3 months till the budget session was over. Kamaraj accepted to this proposal. Kamaraj informed that Rajaji told select one among Bakthavathsalam , Sheddy and C.Subramaniam as Chief Minister for a period of 2 months.
Assembly session of Congress party started. Rajaji announce the name of Subramaniam as Chief Minister. But he did not specify the period as he told already to Kamaraj.
But Kamaraj rose and said that he accepts this arrangement for a period of two months till the budget session. Rajaji did not accept to this. Then there was a uproar. Members wanted to conducted election. Rajaji fixed 30th as date for election. But there was opposition to this, since time was too short. Rajaji insisted 30th as date of election.
Rajaji's group wanted C.Subramaniam to be the C.M. There was also a proposal to elect Subbrayan. But Subbrayan did not come on 30th.
Group of Kamaraj wanted him to contest. Kamaraj finally accepted the proposal. The time was 3 p.m.
Hearing this Rajaji's group shocked. They never expected Kamaraj to contest. The session began Subramaniam requested Kamaraj to postpone the meeting in order to have compromise talk.
Subramaniam was pointed out about the instructions of high command in conducting the election. Kamaraj did not accept for the postponement.
Election began, Dr.Varadrajulu Naidu proposed the name of Kamaraj and N.Annamalai Pillai seconded the same.
Kamaraj got 93 votes and C.Subramaniam got 41 votes. Kamaraj won and became Chief Minister.
Kamaraj went to Delhi and met the high command, asked them whether he can be a party leader in assembly and appoint another one as C.M. But the high command insisted the leader of assembly to be the C.M.
After returning from Delhi he consulted his friend. They said if another election was conducted it may cause fresh problems. Hence asked Kamaraj to take charge of C.M.'s post. Then he wanted them to promise that should not insist him to appoint ministers for their choice.
Man who did wonders: -
Kamaraj reduced the ministry to 8 from 12. He included the supporters of Rajaji in his ministry. He also included C.Subramaniam who contested against him in his ministry. Bakthavathsalaam was also included one among the 8.
The 6 person who opposed Rajaji were not included in the ministry.
He thought that it would be better to include Vannian Community who opposed Congress. He included Ramasami Padaiaachi in the ministry who was the leader of opposite party and opposed Congress in the assembly. Hence there was no opposition for Congress from out side. He formed such a ministry and avoided the opposition from in and out of Congress. He took charge as C.M. on 13th April of 1954, the Tamil New Year day. He was neither a member in assembly nor a member in Legislative Council. He should become a member within six months from the date of taking charge in either of legislature.
It was easy to become a Member of Legislature Council. But Kamaraj did not prefer it. He had a strong belief for a healthy government one should be elected through assembly election only. Also he thought that he could understand the opinion of the public only if contest for the assembly election.
Always he was elected from the Virudhunagar constituency. Suppose if he wanted to be elected from there the elected member of that constituency should resign. As always he did not want to create problem ever.
At that time there was a vacancy in Gudiatham Constituency of North Arcot district. All wanted him to contest from there as the C.M. is common to the state and he contest from any constituency of the state. Finally he decided to contest from Gudiatham Constituency.
He did not belong to North Arcot which consist Gudiatham constituency. Even then he contested from there , except Communist party all other parties supported Kamaraj .Since the Dravidian parties did like Rajaji to become the Chief Minister again they supported Kamaraj and made serious propaganda for his victory. The Congress volunteers of all parts of Madras state invaded Gudiatham since Kamaraj decided to contest from a new constituency which neither was neither his native nor a place he dwelled. The Dravidian parties and Muslim league openly supported Kamaraj and hunted for votes. Gudiatham was flooded by party people. Public worked for Kamaraj. Kamaraj visited all the villages and addressed the mass. He won in the election. He thanked the people of that constituency.
Kamaraj did not go for the post of minister. It came to him. The post which came to him in 1954 he resigned it 1963. He was the first Chief Minister who was in that post for such a long period.
A ministry changed in other states of India because of Enmity, Plots, and Jealous and for post but it was not in Madras state. There was no quarrel, enmity or jealous in the ministry of Kamaraj. After Kamaraj became Chief Minister the trend of Madras state was totally changed.
His period was called as Golden Period. When he became Chief Minister he said “People who works people as Maharajas and Lords who are lazy and live on other labours. I have become the Chief Minister only to wipeout the troubles of poor, else i don't want this post at all. "
From that day on wards all the poor had his portraits at their huts.
When he was the C.M.of Madras state he went in the path of Gandhiji and followed the principles of Nehru. He did what was Right. People respected him as a "Model Man".
S.Balasundrammal , wife of Sathyamoorthy said as under about Kamaraj :
" Kamaraj served for the nation for more than 20 years along with my husband. During that time he had the sense of sacrifice and public service. He was best companion to my husband and worked without rest to strengthen the Congress in Madras state. His Chief Ministership was the evidence to the dream of my husband”. Thus the disciple made the dream of his leader alive.
Nehruji appreciated the services of Kamaraj as under:
“It is impossible to find a person overcoming Kamaraj in public service. As a friend for several years I had a chance to know him. The value i had on him increased on and on whenever i moved with him. He is the C.M. to a government which is a example for efficient and good governance."
Lord Eddianburro , husband of England Queen congratulated Kamaraj and said that he should be the Chief Minister of Madras state during his next visit to India and Madras. Thus Kamaraj ruled Madras State.
As per the judgment of news reporters his way of ruling was a lesson to others and his service was an example to the post he held.

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